S.O.S Need Windows 7 Help


Charter Member 2012
:isadizzy:Well it finally happened, my old rig gave up the ghost so I bought a new Acer with Windows 7 Home Premmium 64bit. CFS3 loaded fine with no problems and sings along with sliders on 5. Problem is I can't modify any file that requires a .bdp file because the new OS will not generate a new .bdp file when the game is restarted as was the case with XP. I read that Windows 7 Pro has a XP mode. Does anyone have any experience with Windows 7 Pro? Can it generate .bdp files? As we all know the reason why we love our beloved CFS3 is for it's ability to be highly modifiable. Without the ability to modify files defeats the purpose of the simulator, for me anyway. I like the new OS but is my only alternative to remove it and install an old XP OS? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know I can't be the only armchair pilot that's ran into this quandary?
:isadizzy:Well it finally happened, my old rig gave up the ghost so I bought a new Acer with Windows 7 Home Premmium 64bit. CFS3 loaded fine with no problems and sings along with sliders on 5. Problem is I can't modify any file that requires a .bdp file because the new OS will not generate a new .bdp file when the game is restarted as was the case with XP. I read that Windows 7 Pro has a XP mode. Does anyone have any experience with Windows 7 Pro? Can it generate .bdp files? As we all know the reason why we love our beloved CFS3 is for it's ability to be highly modifiable. Without the ability to modify files defeats the purpose of the simulator, for me anyway. I like the new OS but is my only alternative to remove it and install an old XP OS? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know I can't be the only armchair pilot that's ran into this quandary?
Hi Animal,
I am learning Win 7 too..Same Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit ..
I when I transferred my Files over from my older machine, (manually) moved on a USB Hard drive..
I loaded in the folders to the Win 7 machine

I when went to the Properties (Right click) for each CFS3 expansion Main folder in the Programs flies x86 folder.
with the (Security tab) I set the administrator rights..

My Win 7 now sees and makes all the files for the expansions with no problem..
Maybe this will help?

Could be a faster way someone knows..For this..
Or I might be heading ya the wrong way?
Heck still learning myself..
That's the ticket guys! Time to take my finger off the panic button. I suspected it may of been this sort of issue, thanks for helping me sort it out. Cheers!