Saab 105 at

That's strange.... Not too long ago only the Fs2002 version was available for free, but now also the Fs2004 version I see; In that case I wonder why it is still for sale, or is that another different version perhaps..?
it really is a 'land of confusion' sorry cider and Genesis CD kicking in :icon_lol:

Ouzo? wahey! being greek born i was brough up on that stuff, just never get drunk on it, it tends to crystalise while you sleep then drink water the following day re-hydrate the crystals... game on!
Being a 100% natural product (At least it should be!) it hardly leaves a hangover, yet one or two shots will give me a long night's rest.

Enjoying the little Saab for a bit before I temporarely loose my skills to fly ;)
Lovely aircraft! The VC might not be up to today's standards anymore but it's fully functional. The model was made by a real-life 105 technician so it is a real as it gets. There's an 'extra realism' model, but I haven't tried that one yet.

Interesting to see how Saab use a different approach to their aircraft. This trainer has the option to install four regular seats in stead of two ejection seats so it can be used as a VIP/Liaison aircraft. There's even a model included with a general in the back.

Some screenshots:





I've also been having a little fun with this one, nice series Flyboy, what's that dumpy little thing in #1??
ah-ha the same one I posted 'bout in the freeware gems thread; methinks someone from that Russian outfit is 'cherry picking'


ah-ha the same one I posted 'bout in the freeware gems thread; methinks someone from that Russian outfit is 'cherry picking'



The Bloke who uploaded this SAAB too the avsimru site is the same bloke who uploaded the the iris MiG 27 wthout permision. so I wouldnt be suprised if he has stolen this file from the Austrian site.

Good news for the ones from the dark side: the plane works almost perfect in FSX Acceleration (SP2): only one gauge, parking brake-related, is not compatible. All the rest work perfect :)



Hey Daube,
you realize that even if those droptanks are empty that SAAB still won't float if you try to land it, right?:icon_lol:
In all seriousness, nice pics. Too low for my own comfort zone but still pretty slick nonetheless. :ernae: