Sad news from PAD


Charter Member
It is with great sadness that I have to announce the passing of my friend and design partner Jean-Pierre Brisard.
Jean-Pierre joined Barry Blaisdell and myself in PAD in 2004 and has been responsible for over 40 of our model designs.
JP, as he was known to us, was a retired architect with an interest in aviation and he combined his design skills with his aviation interest in the hobby of flight simulation.
As well as aviation JP was a keen sailor and in former times owned an ocean going yacht which he crewed with his family. After retirement he and his wife lived in Port Naval on the west coast of France, a popular base for sailing enthusiasts.

The future of PAD is uncertain, in the short term there is one almost completed model (Fokker 100) which I will finish and post soon in remembrance of JP. After that the PAD web site will remain open for support queries and publication of repaints, at least until next year when the site registration is due for renewal, but there will be no more new models for the foreseeable future.

JP was a true gentleman and a good friend who will be missed by all who knew him :salute:

Bob May
Sad news indeed! My prayers are with JP's family and friends.

RIP Jean-Paul. Thank you for the incredible collection of sim aircraft you shared with us.

Thank you Bob for sharing with us.

Jean-Pierre Brisard sounds like a well accomplished man who gave much back to his community. He certainly contributed much in ours. My warmest regards to his family, friends, and your team.
My deepest sympathy to Mr. Brisard's family. He was a wonderful and talented designer of some great FS aircraft.
My condolences to his friends and family. His talents will be missed.

I do hope that PAD will find a way to have a bright future.
MY condolences to his family and friends. RIP Jean-Paul. I hope PAD find a way to keep up and running.

Jim D.
All of the above, and my deepest condolences too.
In many thousands of places all over the world, the results of your many collaborations will be a living monument to those good times.
Sad to hear this Bob. RIP Jean-Paul. Thank you Jean-Paul for sharing your talents with us.
Your talents will be missed. My thoughts go out to his friends and family.
To say I'm stunned is a gross understatement.
We will miss you Jean-Paul; my condolences to everyone, and again, thank you.