Sadler Vampire Prop Texture


Staff member
Just wondering here. We've adopted the Vampire over at GBUC and I've been doing some repaints and texture changes with both the interior and exterior. One thing I wanted to change was the prop animation/texture and I have tried several different ones all with the same results. . .no matter what I do the animation remains the same. . .no difference no matter how radical the changes I make appear in the actual textures. If the animation is somehow controlled within the model, why bother having a prop texture at all. . .or am I missing something here?:help:
The actual animation of the prop...that is to say, the spinning and the rate of based upon the animation key frames within the model file and can only be changed by modifying the model.

The appearance of the spinning prop is dictated by the texture transparent it is, does it have the yellow safety tips...that sort of stuff is what the texture file is for.

Now, not sure if this is true for FS2004 or not, but in CFS2, in order for effects (exhaust, muzzle flash, etc) to be able to be seen through the spinning prop disk, there must also be a tranparency given to the actual material that makes up the spinning prop disk. That material is found within the MDL (model file) of the aircraft and can be altered using Martin Wright's MDLcolor or MDLmaterial programs.

. . . . .The appearance of the spinning prop is dictated by the texture transparent it is, does it have the yellow safety tips...that sort of stuff is what the texture file is for. . . .
Yep and that's what I want to change. Right now you can see the prop distinctly as the prop turns, no blur whatsoever and the actual disk is visible albeit slightly opaque. This is contrary to the prop texture which I blurred to several different extents and tried each one, only to have the same appearance as the original. . .no blurr.:faint:
I took a look a the prop on the Sadler Vampire....reminds me of the funky props on some of the early Alpha Sim stuff...the B-25 in the Alpha Oldies section here on SOH/Combatfs has similar props. Regardless of what the prop texture should show, the MDL based prop blur just gets in the way. I managed to lighten the prop blurr on the AS B-25...will try to find the material for the prop blur on the Vampire. I will not be able to upload the modified MDL, but I can either send it to interested parties or post a HOW TO for those who want to modify (that is to say...lighten) the prop blur.

Man.. Brings back memories..

I used to work for Bill making the Sadler Vampires..


<-- Landing gear technician...

. . . . .Regardless of what the prop texture should show, the MDL based prop blur just gets in the way.. . . . . . .but I can either send it to interested parties or post a HOW TO for those who want to modify (that is to say...lighten) the prop blur.
Thanks for taking the time to look into this OBIO. To be honest, it's puzzling to me why anyone would do that. . . .have a prop texture that's overridden by something that can't be modified. I'll stick with what I have here now I guess. For me simply lightening the prop blur won't accomplish the look I was going for. Thanks again for your time and efforts.

Can you just maximise the darkness? What if you darken the Alpha? You should be able to nearly make it invisible.

Can you just maximise the darkness? What if you darken the Alpha? You should be able to nearly make it invisible.
It's actually turned into much more than I expected Bill, lol. . . .I just wanted to add a nice blur to the visible external view but that's not possible, so I'll stay with what I have. Puzzling still that someone would take the time he took on this model (he textured "everything" on this model), with each texture folder over 10meg (I did 2 repaints saved as 32bit and they swelled to 30meg each) and then negate any prop blur by overriding it in the mdl file which looks very amateurish really. Too bad, it make an otherwise perfect model, somewhat less of one.
Still I enjoy the airplane, fly it a lot and I just don't spend a lot of time looking at the prop because it has become an obsession, lol.