Saitek Pro Combat Rudder Peddals


Charter Member
Has anyone else had problems getting Saitek Rudder Pedals to be recognized by CFS3/ETO? They look good in the calibration process, getting good numbers, but inside the game, I can not get the "Y" Axis assigned to the brakes. I have checked of the other input devices and no conflicts. Everything else I have is CH. Just wondering...
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Do you have other flight sims they work on (together with the non Saitek joystick)? Also are you capable of editing your xca file?
No mongoose, the ETO is my only sim. Once I felt the failure to start was due to a corrupt .xca file, I deleted it from my Owners\Appdat\dir. (without making a backup dumbA$$), and removed the rudder pedals as well. My CH Joystick and Throttle work just fine. I was in the Virtual Cockpit and flying, testing out my programed inputs, when I realized I did not have any rudder pedals. The game stopped working after I installed them. If you have time, read my other thread regarding the rouge .xca file in question.

Not that I'm an expert but for the benefit of someone who might be, just zip up you various xca files and post here.
Like I posted in XCA thread, the only xca file I see is the default Flight Simulator.xca in the main game dir of ETO. It is identical to the same file in my stock CFS3 install. In hast and frustration I deleted the xca file from my Owners\dir w/o making a copy :banghead:. :dizzy::toilet_claw: