Make sure you have your programming software running for the Saitek units. Then launch cfs3 and click the main menu for control commands. (under f10) THen go into your control surface options and find the rudder commands. Click them and then set it look for a new axis. THen move the control that you want to assign...lef rudder and so forth. If it comes out 180 degrees out of phase, move it in the other direction when you sample it. If none of these work, you need to set your software to send a keystroke instead. I use keystrokes for my toe brakes. About 15 each axis. Post back if you need more help. Also, are you running Vista or XP? This can make a difference in how the OS "sees" the usb devices. I remember old Mig Alley can not see enough axes available in the newer OSs such that my rudder set up was weirded out.