Saitek X52 Pro Odd Problem


Charter Member
I am having a problem with my Saitek X52 Pro controller in FS2004. My rudder jams to the left and even applying right rudder will not fully overcome the unintended left deflection. The controller works normally in FSX. I have received advice from Saitek UK Support which fixes the problem for a few days then I get the problem back. Has anyone else on here had similar problems with this model of controller, if so have you a permanent solution?

The recommended fix is to start FS2004 while holding down the Control and Shift keys and when FS2004 has loaded to the in cockpit view pressing Alt and Resetting the Flight. This procedure cures the rudder problem but resetting the controller assignments is becoming a chore I could do without. Any advice gratefully received.

I have a X-52 as well and have had this problem, its the rotary switch which surrounds the E button on top of the throttle its assigned to the rudder by Fs2004.
Yep - there's so many rotaries/sliders/buttons that FS gets confused and some functions get double-assigned. Just go through all of the functions and make sure everything is assigned correctly, then gently exit the Sim my using the "X" at the top-right. Forcing the Sim to close via Ctrl+Break will cause you to lose any changes.