Santa's Sleigh Uploaded Merry Christmas ALL


Charter Member
ETO 1.40 ETO Santa Ho Ho Ho Mission HH 100
ERA 1939

***The Santa sleigh by Stumpjumper

Sleigh Sounds By Stumpjumper..

Many Thanks for this Cool Toy..

Mission briefing;

Santa Needs you to help with the Flight tonight, So you Must take the toys around Europe.. Take off, Head to the red smoke and beacon ahead.. All Forces have agreed to give safe passage to your Christmas Gift flight.. Stay under 500ft.(from the ground) at the beacons,(Waypoints).. Follow the red-flare/smoke to each beacon..Over the channel Watch for the ships..Take a low level look at the carrier.. A show for all the naval folks..
Santa will pass out handle the sleigh...Get to the waypoints, and do your duty for all the little Girls and boys.. Stay low (300ft to 500Ft) Have a look at the scenery between Warps.. Show the world that even war doesn't stop Father Christmas..* Unlimited Fuel Settings needed.. A long Flight..

CREDITS Effects;

Many Thanks to O1-Driver and Nachtpiloten