Saunders Roe SR-45 FS9 Version


Charter Member 2014
I recently uploaded a FSX native version of the Saunders Roe SR-45 Princess. I received so many requests to do an FS9 version I thought it was just another spam attack!

I designed it with FSDSv3.51 which means I can use the same source code for Xtomdl and FSX and Makemdl and FS9. However all the animations must be changed and several other little tweaks must be undone. Believe me, it is easier to convert a FS9 model to FSX than the other way around!

I have made substantial progress and hope to release it in a couple of weeks. You can see I still have to redo the props and the flight dynamics are very different. BTW, I am not going to admitt how long it took me to remember a dynamic shine in FS9 is done in the material, not a new texture.

More gray hairs!

Cheers, Paul
Thankyou Mr Paul,
I used to walk past the cocooned Princess' on my way to school,before they were taken away to be broken up.

And a friend of ours has a boat made from one of the wing floats


this is great news..THANKS..!! i am one of those simmers that will be very happy..!! :ernae:
wow, i think i'm in lust with the princess!

i've been looking for a good fs9 one of these for ages!

thanks loads!

BTW: have you heard about the SR concept designs for the princess? There was a landplane version and more interestingly a double hull version which had a pair of princesses coupled by a constant chord centre wing and tail section.

I really enjoy your a/c. I like to get this Princess, as well.

Marc Burcham

BTW, have you otherwise stopped making a/c in FS2004?