Saving stuff...


Staff member
A few months back I had to wipe my main HD because of a nasty virus I had picked up somewheres. While I managed to back up my FS 1954 install and save it, I lost a ton of development tools that I've only put a scratch in getting them back. I have a small 40g "stash" drive that I was able to save some things on (still looking for the full set of FS9 SDKs that I'd saved).

One of the programs I've been missing is FS Panel Studio. I bought it about 5 years ago and just knew that I had kept the installer and the installation key somewhere. But I haven't been able to find them and had decided to just repurchase it, just hadn't gotten around to it. Seems like that $30 kept having to go to other non-FS things.

While digging around a little bit ago for something else I found them on the stash drive. I'm thinking all right, good to go now. So I started the reinstall process. After I get it to accept the key, it asks me for the last 4 numbers of the card I used to purchase it with. Oops. That old card expired several months ago, but I thought I knew the last 4 numbers on it. Wrong answer. Didn't work for beans. :banghead: So close, but yet so far...

So, I'm thinking that my wife, Vickie might remember the number. She did better than that. She had put up that old card in a safe place (If it had been me, it would have been in pieces and in the trash). The number I had "remembered" was a couple of digits off and I was able to reinstall FSPS.

It helps to save that old stuff. Now I can fold, bend, spindle and mutilate panels again!
Had the same thing happen to me once with a FS related purchase. I think I found the number on the receipt. I bought it online and always save the receipts to a dedicated folder on a backup drive. I would probably lose a paper copy. Good thing your wife saved it. Since you still had the installation key, I wonder if Abacus would have found it in their heart to send you another copy if you didn't have that number in the cupboard.
Here ya go Willy - I copied the URL's of all of the SDK installers way back when and stuck them into a simple html file with clickable links. I haven't tested the links in a couple of years, but they should still be good as long as MS hasn't pulled anything off their servers.