Saying good bye to an old friend


Retired SOH Admin
From day one of my skinning addiction, I have been using Photoshop 5.0 Limited Edition. Done a lot of painting with the little photo editor, that's for sure. For the last year, I have had Photoshop 7.0, but have kept using 5.0 LE to create my layered paint templates. Yesterday, 5.0 decided to throw another temper tantrum and refuse to run under XP...happens every few months, I just uninstall, reinstall and everything is smooth sailing for a while. Well, this time I have decided to leave 5.0 uninstalled and start using 7.0 for all my skinning. I have been using it for the actual painting and insignia placement. But now, I will force myself to use 7.0 my layered paint templates.

So long 5.0 have been a trusty little program over the years, but it is time for you to retire.


One good thing about using 7.0...I can now use the tutes on to full effect. Followed a tute there for doing fabric covered wings....and WOW! Using the gradient fill tool to create the shadows and high lights on a ribbed wing sure gives better results than using Gausian Blur. Have done three wings so far, and WOW is all I can say.

And of course Tim,with 7.0 those Spitfire skins will look even better.:applause:
I feel your loss OBIO, lol...

I have PS 6.0 and its like part of me. I have been toying with upgrading to get some of the new goodies. I fear it though as I am so used to 6.0. I still find out new things in it that I didnt know the program was capable of, like using Control/Tab to thumb through the work windows in PS through keyboard short cuts. (I love shortcuts... saves so much time). I just discovered that new one 2 days ago. I had been wanting or dreaming of something like this for years now and only just found it by mistake, lol..

I have been using Photoshop
from the begining
from v2 the first for pc
now using cs3
i guess i like 7.0 the best
more bells and whistles in cs3
as far as figuring it all out i have not figured PS3
completely and i have about 3 copies
even on floppies:icon_lol:
i guess it all comes down to what you want to do
i love actions and i believe that 7 was the first to have that
change is not a bad thing
Yep, know the feeling, although not near as "seasoned" in the use of graphics programs as you gents.

Still, I agonized for weeks while reading everything I could get my hands on to compare the two versions before I made the jump from PSP7 to PSP9. I have CS3 still in the wrapper sitting on my bookshelf next to my PC and haven't dared to think about opening it, much less installing it!

Hang in there OBIO. The withdrawals won't last too much longer! You're doing the right thing by seeking support for your life changing event! :kilroy: :icon_lol:

Duckie :wiggle:
I had used Photoshop 5.0 LE since getting it as a "bonus" when I bought my first scanner. I was so familiar with it, that even after installing Photoshop CS v8.0 I continued to use 5.0 LE, hardly ever giving CS 8 a glance or a chance...

...much to my regret. After finally being forced into using CS 8 to take advantage of the nVidea DDS plugin, and the normal plugin, I finally took the time to begin learning how to use CS 8.

I can't believe how much time I've wasted doing things the "hard way" in PS 5.0 LE that I can accomplish in mere moments in CS 8... :ernae:
I use a demo copy of PSP 0.7 which i got free on the front of a computor mag about six years ago, and it does everything i need, weather it be Flightsim related or working with digital photos, ive try'd more modern versions but i find them to much hard work, im dreading the time when 07 wont work anymore, sometimes less is more.
cheers ian
I use PS CS3 at work but still PS6 for my flightsim stuff - I can use that program in my sleep, funny, I never even considered changing it! It is part of my fs experience like my favorite chair!
