SB2C Helldiver


Charter Member 09
GOSD, you asked if there was a good SB2C out there an thre is. I tried to answer you but the poweers that be decided to cut off the thread five minutes later.
Wolfi made an excellant SB2C but never finished it. I have no reason why.
Like the B-26 Marauder, a really great plane that started with a bad press. But is killed off more Japanese shipping than any other airplane and would keep up with the fighters. It was still flying in the Viet Nam war. A rugged airplane, it always got me back.
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for the sake of clarity, we must also affirm that a SPD is definetly not a SBD :costumes:

... and I agree the SBD is a bit "lightweight"
Wolfgang Faber's excellent SB2C-4 Helldiver!

I have Wolfgang Faber's excellent SB2C-4 Helldiver and It appears to be finished as far as I can tell. I got it from along with a new skin and some texture updates. Truly an awesome model!
The Fabers airplane has a bunch of inaccuracys as far as outline is concerned. The canopy folding mechanism behind the gunner seat is laughible. It doesn't really look like any SB2C I ever flew in.
The Fabers airplane has a bunch of inaccuracys as far as outline is concerned. The canopy folding mechanism behind the gunner seat is laughible. It doesn't really look like any SB2C I ever flew in.

That's part of the modeller's dilemma - how much information can you find if you don't have a real example to refer to? How accurate are your scale drawings? What details are missing from them that you need to know? And even if you have a real aircraft to study, can you get a proper look at the bits that are puzzling you; or is it hung 15ft off the floor or crowded round with other exhibits or is there a barrier keeping the great unwashed a minimum of 30 yards away? :banghead:

Then how much detail do you include in the model, how much do you leave to the painters like Nigel and what do you leave out to keep the poly count reasonable? Which sim are you going to build it for? Decisions, decisions! :isadizzy:

Not every aircraft is so well documented or has so many examples surviving as the Spitfire or Mustang. Wish I knew the ones I want to model like you know the Helldiver! :wavey: