SBuilder Mesh output?

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Charter Member 2016
I am trying very hard to get a mesh into FS - and really not succeeding. I've managed to get Sbuilder to recognize my mesh-map (and it was a trial!) and to output a mesh bgl, however it is not reading the map or compiling the bgl properly. The result is a dense network of spikes and valleys in the mesh alternating between -1 and 255 on the height-map being compiled - or in the sim a seemingly infinite number of point-sized bottomless-pits and infinitely tall mountains.
What do I need to do to get a mesh compiled with the correct elevations?
Can you post a screen or two? While I hope you can figure things out, I am always interested in what extremes and varieties FS can produce. Don't forget that the popular Super Ball and Pyrex products were mistakes that someone recognized as worth while. Maybe your mesh can be steered into being a cool weird landscape somewhere.