Sbuilder Question


Charter Member
Hi All

Just started to get my head around using this program to create airfield and road poly's

One question I have though is...Do any of the textures you can assign to poly's in sbuilder create autogen automatically on them??

Wondering if I can use a poly as a shortcut to create trees rather then me having to individually place about 200 trees on a custom airbase I'm creating

if i recall it SHOULD, been a while since i used it, but make sure those areas don't have an exclude over them... someone who has used it more recently may have a better idea....
Cheers Matt

I realized after I posted the question that I cant do it that way after all

It would me an errant texture would be on top of my airfield base poly and wouldn't look right

Time to click, slew, click, slew :icon_lol:
