The VC looks very good indeed. If the exterior is as good, I WILL buy it!
I wonder what happened to their A-10C?
LOVE the F-5...would love a two seater as well, but that's probably pushing it
My understanding is that Asobo bought their A-10 (and rearmed it with a highly dangerous 30mm flashlight) for use in FS2024, and it's already appeared in the first trailer for the new sim.
Total disrespect to the entire Hog Community, the CAS mission, and those who've been saved by the A-10 in combat. Asobo and MS need to rethink taking their policy to the next level of asinine.
.and with all due respect to the earlier poster, no, a T-38 isn't the same thing as an -F).
And with all due respect to yourself, I never said it was... but it is as close as you're likely to get.
My understanding is that Asobo bought their A-10 (and rearmed it with a highly dangerous 30mm flashlight) for use in FS2024, and it's already appeared in the first trailer for the new sim.
I thought the A-10 with a flashlight was made by Deimos ?
I too would love to see a T-38. However, I hope whoever makes it has an hidden AP. Every T-38 I have seen (and I help beta test some) has been too touchy in the pitch axis while cruising. I could never get the trim right. I would suddenly be 300 feet off altitude and have ATC screaming at me. (Actually, that may have been when I quit using ATC.) The real airplane was easy to trim to level flight and it stayed there for some time....I'm a T-38 freak too, so I'd welcome that nearly as much as an -F!
All the Best,