Scenery Central Europe 1961 in the making

Maarten -

Charter Member 2016
Hi there,

Several people know about it already, but for the many nostalgic flightsimmers amongst us this certainly will be very interesting.
About eighteen months ago several members of the California Classics Forum joined up to create a magnificent scenery featuring Central Europe anno 1961. More about this great project can be found here:
Previous amazing scenery add-ons by California Classics can be found here: Also the AI traffic for 1957, 1959 and 1962, including the ai models and paints are available there;
Go and have a look. You will not be disappointed by what you'll see.

Thanks Maarten, been following this project with great intrest, my Fs9 install is mainly 50's 60's 70's cold war with the calclassic aircraft and airports as a backdrop, there's also an east Europe project in development which should be great aswell. looking froward to these and more.
cheers ian
There's two kinds of scenery that I don't miss. California Classics retro scenery and aircraft carriers.
Oh dear, thanks Maarten. I read 'miss' as 'feel the absence' (because it's junk) rather than as 'fail to obtain' (because it's good). Nice ambiguity, giving entirely opposed readings.
Thanks for the plug, Maarten. :)

We have quite a few new/updated scenery projects going right now - Central Europe, California, Mexico, and Texas are the ones closest to (hopeful) completion.

Tom Gibson
CalClassic Propliners
Everything CalClassics is great stuff!.....Thanks to you all. Wish I knew how to contribute to your projects......K.D.:salute:
Manfred, sorry for the misunderstanding. The CalClassics retro scenery is something that I try to keep 'em all installed. It's excellent scenery that has a permanent place in my FS install.