Scenery Exclude...

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Does anybody know where I can obtain a program that is used to exclude autogen scenery. I thought my AFCAD program would but ....NO JOY.

RD, pretty sure you can do excludes in ADE (the link I gave you earlier) - it's basically AFCAD on steroids!!
RD, pretty sure you can do excludes in ADE (the link I gave you earlier) - it's basically AFCAD on steroids!!

Andy, I just got through downloading that program. On a quick look at it, I believe it has an exclude function. By the way, I agree with your characterization of it: "AFCAD on steroids!"

Thank you. Now all I need is to start trying to learn how to use it...I think I will use some airport that I never use as my test airport. Also, can use that airport for my Runway12 practice.

For those still using AFCAD, the ExcBuilder2 program will create BGL files that exclude autogen, but you must select Exclude All to get that effect.

Hope this helps,
Thanks guys. Is ExcBuilder2 a stand alone program that I need to download or is it a part of AFCAD? IIRC seems like it was a stand alone program that I once used.
Doggone computer crashes are not fun are they fellas? I had all kind of scenery work on my old CPU. I thought I had it all on another one too. Thing is about a week or two after deciding to install FS9 on my new laptop, my second CPU crashed and burned. Fortunately, I was able to recover a few folders from FS9 before it did....
