Scenery for 25000 small airports (X-Plane 10) 1.01a


Charter Member
One of the biggest complaints I get about X-Plane 10 are the many undefined airports that scattered all over X-Plane. Well finally someone took upon themselves to fix the problem. The good news is that it is totally FREE! See the pics at the bottom of this site.

You will need to add this and it is FREE as well:


This started as a small project for the X-Plane users of the FSEconomy community, but it ended as a scenery package with 25.000 airports

To help filling the empty X-Plane airports I made Prefab airports: 14 different airport versions in 3 different climate regions (dry, medium and wet). I created AGP files to place scenery at the airports -> please note that X-Plane 9 cannot handle AGP files, so this package is for X-Plane 10 only!

All the airports in the package have:
- Scenery: buildings, hangars, planes etc. (see images)
- Taxiways with lines, lights and runways holds
- Platforms with ramp starts and fence around the airport
- Airport boundaries, exclusion zones and ground textures
- All original X-Plane data of airports (ATC frequencies, beacons, etc.)

Package 1 is the main package. Package 2 is OPTIONAL and is not as nice because these airports have no connection between the taxiway and the ramp. Decide for yourself if you want to use this package as well.
I have included several options to customize the packages: see the PDF document in the “Instructions and tutorials” file.

These packages fill a lot of airports, which means that conflicts with your existing scenery are possible. There is nothing that I can build into my package to prevent this.
NEW: I have made a Windows tool (sorry no Max/Linux) which removes all duplicate airports from the Prefab Airports folders. I also included an option to do the same with the Global Airports folder. The tool scans your Custom Scenery folder to see which airports need to be removed….
Follow this link to read more and to download the tool:

The only other way to resolve these conflicts is to add exclusion zones to your other scenery: see the tutorial in the downloads.

Some general tips:
- Start with package 1 only, the airports with 1 runway. Package 2 contains larger airports so conflicts with other scenery are more likely
- Read the installation instructions

Please visit my website for more information:

Content to download:
- x_Prefab_Library_xp: Library package (needed only once)
- x_Prefab_Airports_1xp: Package 1 (21.000 airports with 1 runway: taxiway connected)
- x_Prefab_Airports_2xp: OPTIONAL Package 2 (4.000 airports 2 and 3 runways: taxiway not connected)
- Instructions and tutorials

The Instructions and tutorials file contains:
- PDF installation and use
- PDF how to make an exclusion with WED
- PDF explanation of conflicts and exclusions
- PDF how to make scenery with Prefab elements
- List of airports (Excel and csv file)
- Demo airport with all different types of Prefab scenery

You need the latest version of OpensceneryX: 2.1.1
NB: my packages needs the OpensceneryX folder be named "OpensceneryX" (more in the PDF document).

Users of FSEconomy: please use the FSE version (you can find it on my website and in the X-Plane 10 section of the FSE forum).

The Prefab package can certainly be improved! Currently I am working on:
- Refinement of runway data (better use of available data)
- Improving the scenery

I hope you all like it !


Matthijs (MH1212)

What's New in Version 1.01a (See full changelog)

  • added a tool to remove duplicate Global and Prefab airports (see description)
  • all Prefab files are unchanged