Scenery going nuts


Charter Member
Well folks,
I was gun running in Angola last night in one of Milton Shupe's cargo planes.

I embellished some of my small cargo airports with EZ scenery objects.

Now, whenever I approach those airports, all the ground textures vanish and the ground looks blaah.

Once I get away from the airport, I can go to the map screen in FS9 and return to the aircraft screen and the ground textures are back.

Will someone please tell me waht is going on here, and possible cures?

Depending on how you installed the scenery objects (bgl), you could do a quick check to see if that's what is causing your problem. If you have a separate folder made up for that airport that contains the scenery bgl, remove it, restart FS9 and see if that corrects the problem.

I use Instant Scenery and once I've placed my scenery objects, I save that generated scenery bgl to a separate folder for that airport rather than just dumping it into the addon scenery/scenery folder. It's easier to keep track of and if I do have a problem, I know right where to go to work with it.

Since the problem seems to be related to you adding those objects, then it could be that your graphics card isn't able to handle the extra load. What card are you using and how much RAM is available to it?
From my experience, this happens when an object is not at 0 on the XY axis or slightly below. What may be happening here is that the sim doesn't know to distinguish between textures because an object is floating slightly above the ground.
Or, there were some ez scenery objects that had a bad texture file, I believe they were from Sidney Schwartz, and he uploaded a fix for it. They caused that texture blurring before the fix was applied. I just can't remember exactly which texture it was, or the name of the fix, darn it.