Scenery Help?



I discovered last night that my main FS9 southeast US coast in under water! Don't fly there much so don't know how long it's been that way. Georgia and the Carolinas from just north of Jacksonville, straight line due north up to the northern state line of North Carolina is under water! All the airports (the dozen or so I tested), the runways/taxiways are above water but all around is like the oceans have established a new straight line coast. (FS9 Global Warming?).

I have 2 other installs, all sharing common scenery mesh files. The 2 other installs, FSGW and FSSW, are all normal. All 3 FS Scenery Setup lists have the same order to the commmon files relative to the stock and addon sceneries.

I have All U.S. FSG 76, 38 and 19 mesh installed, FSG landclass, and a few more LC, and all of Holger Sandmann sceneries installed. All other scenery is "local" airport type sceneries. I don't have UT installed.

Any thoughts on a fix? Scenery prioirty, etc?

That's actually pretty cool. I mean before it gets fixed take some screenies so we can see what global warming might do. I don't have all those sceneries and meshes but I would suspect an add-on culprit before the default stuff. It's too bad that you can't even come close to knowing when this might have happened. The one hint to me is the straight line edge. Don't meshes, landclasses and such all use hundreds of square areas? So if a cluster of them were bad, an area with straight edges would be affected?
Hey aeromed202,

Thanks for the reply. What you said makes sense ( a lot of things in FS9 don't to me!). I'll take some pics of a couple airpots that are under water and a high altitude shot of the "new straight line" north-south shore line!

I also considered the corrupt mesh scenario because it is such a very large area that is submerged. However, my other two installs use the same FSG mesh from the same folder. I have one dedicated folder set up for ALL FSG mesh and all 3 of my FS9 installs use from that folder set up. Neither of the other 2 installs have the same probem.

That's why I thought (now we're in trouble!) it might be a scenery prority issue. I don't have any addon/custom scenery installed in the submerged area.

I may just delete sceneries and begin adding them in one by one to try and find the problem.

Anyway, I appreciate your reply.

What was it?

BTW, those were some big waves in that screenshot of Tennessee ;)
That was funky. The water textures seemed to be following the ground contours. The edge reminded me of how FS does the polar caps, that is they don't. Just a straight edge of ice at least in my game.
The file that caused the global melt was called ATLUTLC.bgl. It was the only file in a folder that I had created and placed in my "universal addon" folder, also shared by my other 2 FS9installs. However, this file was only active in this one FS9 install. The priority in the FS9 scenery setup list was just above (higher priority) FS9 ADDON and directly below (lower priority) than a 3rd party KATL scenery addon.

After I determined which file was causing the problem I experimented with the priority order. Turns out it did not matter. From top of the priority list to the bottom I got the same results. So my conclusion is that this LC file was either corrupt OR could only be used with UT (? in the file name) which I uninstalled because of other headaches UT was causing.

Notice the verb tense in reference to the THE file! :icon_lol: IT'S GONE!