Scenery Issue


I feel like a newbie, I've had so many questions to post lately. I probably could've figured this out by myself a couple years ago, before my hiatus from the hobby, but I'm really scratching my head on this. I've forgotten so much!

I have two FS9 installations on my confuter, Golden Wings and "FS1954." Both are pretty much functional after being transferred into this system, though they both need a lot of work.

Sceneries common to both installations, or expected to be common to more than one installation in the anticipated final configuration, live in a folder outside the individual sims, cleverly named "Common Scenery."

Here's the issue. I have a scenery that's active in both sims. In one it displays perferctly. In the other there's a bunch of untextured objects.

It doesn't seem that the problem could be missing textures, as both sims draw from the same texture folder. It shouldn't be a missing object or other bgl in the scenery folder for the same reason. Also, the same static objects library is active in.

So the mystery is, how can the same scenery display properly in one sim and not the other????

I'm obviously missing something - but what???

If anyone has any ideas I'd sure like to hear them!
I can think of 2 possible causes.

One is that you have multiple copies of the object library in question.

One sim is using a copy that has all of the needed textures available, the other sim is using a copy that doesn't have all of the textures available.

The second reason could e that the objects use universal textures such as the Nove series, and you are missing them in one sim.

Hope this helps.

I think it's best to totally separate the two and not share anything. It seems sometimes one will bleed to the other and I have no idea what happens so, when I have two sims, I keep them completely separate and don't share anything.
Thanks Lane & Rich,

I ran Duplicate Scenery Object Finder (which I'd run not long ago) and found two copies of the only object library the scenery uses - one in the Static Object Library and one in the scenery's Scenery folder. Both are in Common Scenery and both are called up by both sims. The textures that came with the scenery are also in the Library.

The scenery included the two Nova textures that it needs, since by the time it was released the Nova site was no longer available. Anyway, I have long had all the Nova textures installed in both sims.

I tried copying the scenery from Common Scenery into the AddOn Scenery folder of the sim where it wasn't displaying properly, with the appropriate edit to the Scenery.cfg file, and that made no difference.

This makes no sense at all.
Ive had this problem a few times with my own scenery sometimes, i'd be inclined to remove the bgl from your scenery's Scenery folder to somewhere like desktop, well out of the way, and see if the scenery works with just the bgl from your Static Object Library.
As for hand editing your
Scenery.cfg file, i tend not to touch that with a barge pole, it userlly looks after its self and sometimes editing it will cause more problems.
its seems pretty clear that its a duplicate object bgl, it just needs a bit of detective work to find out which one to lose.
cheers ian

PS, im with rich12545 on keeping scenerys seperate
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If there are some textures missing in one of your installs, Process Monitor is very useful tool to find them. Just set up filter and fly around a bit around problematic area and it will show a list of flightsim problems including missing textures.
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Thanks Ian & Kikas,

I tried removing the blg from one folder or the other and that didn't help.

I tried installing the scenery in the problem sim, from the original zip file to make sure nothing was missing, and that made no difference.

I have a couple ideas about putting things in different places and I'll try a couple things tomorrow. I'm not expecting much, but that sort of thing is too simple not to try.

Never heard of Process Monitor. Sounds like something I need to learn about.

Well, I copied the scenery into each sim and it works properly in both of them. :love-struck:
Thanks for the suggestions! :ernaehrung004: