Scenery Objects Library Questions ?


I have copied my rather large Scenery Objects Library folder over from FSX . A few years ago someone grouped most of the common libraries into one folder(EZ , RWY , etc) and that's what I've been using in FSX without any problems . I also had a few that were in their own folders ,
example : MCDMil Scenery , Yellow Ground Service Equipment , RAF WWII Airfield bldgs , and Vintage Military Library . The latter two I know are required in quite a few of the excellent RAF scenery by various authors . A couple of questions : can I put the all the scenery objects(WWII , MCDMill , etc) into the "Scenery Object Library" ? A lot of the scenery makers now are including part of scenery objects into their scenery which means there is duplications of these for sure . Final questions : where in the Scenery Library Priority list should the Scenery Object libraries be ? Down at the bottom(ex: just above Propellers ) or clear at the top where any scenery would look there first ?

Any suggestion appreciated , have a good weekend !

Rich, I have always understood the library objects should be at the bottom. At least they should be below any scenery that will use them. That has worked for me in both FSX and P3D. Hope this helps.
I would do this in a temporary file structure, just in case things get away from you. Make a \scenery folder and a \texture folder and start consolidating files into them. If you have any duplicate BGLs going into the \scenery folder they should be easy to diagnose, same size and date are OK. It's been the textures in the past that have posed some issues. Some developers have updated some textures over time, such as Sidney Schwartz. If you replace LimeGreen.BMP with a newer file and you know both are from Sid's work, that's OK. It's been a problem where Black.BMP wants to replace Black.BMP and they are from different developers. Creative/unique file naming wasn't always used.

So it can be done, but you need to watch for any Gotchas!
Thanks for the replies gentlemen . I have these folders backed up and I'll try some sort of consolidation and especially watch out for duplicate files . I currently have my Static Objects folder at the bottom and I'll keep an eye out if anything(objects) don't appear to be showing up.

Someone told me the other day that the ORBX Scenery Libs should be on top of the stack, so if you have airports, mesh, etc in the stack, then LIbs will be highest. By that, I mean in the Addon Scenery Library in P3D / FSX, you would have the lowest number on top, with top being 1, on down to 200 or 300 on the bottom. Libs for ORBX should be highest (priority). So, I would think this would be the same with other scenery Libs.

A good test is to just try it out, experiment. See if it works both ways, what runs best.

If anyone would know though, I would think Arno at would. He and his scenery gurus would have the answer.
I'm not sure it matters if they're at the bottom or the top. It could matter for the scenery BGL that places them, where one higher up the list might supersede the one you want if there was a conflict. With the library files, there shouldn't be any conflict.