ok guys thanks VERY MUCH! i will seek those two and try em...i will continue to hope for Thicker Forests
UPDATE: i found those elusive conifers by Ed Truthan, they are NOT listed under ANY search nor were they visible by going thru ALL the scenery add ons!!!! only by a search by his name with a th
instead of han
but here is the linkey if anyone else wants to try them.
Ed Truthan water and trees
Filename: conifers.zip
License: Check within download
Added: 28th December 2001
Downloads: 10393
Author: Ed Truthan
Size: 2916kb
File Description:
A set of seasonal replacement textures to greatly enhance the quality and
realism of the FS2002 auto-gen default conifers. Two sets are included:
Standard 512x512 bitmaps, (no framerate hit), and Deluxe 1024x1024
bitmaps,(slight framerate hit), with enhanced resolution for high end
users who want the ultimate in realism. Also increases conifer numbers by
4 to 1.
I found Ed's descripton and discussion of the tree question very interesting so here is his read me for fellow deep forest seekers like me :
Upon first flying in fs2002 I was immediately impressed, (as we all have been), at the wonderful improvement over FS2000 on almost every front. However, as someone who has lived a great deal of time in Colorado and Montana, (and enjoy simming there, and in Alaska), it became apparent that the default conifers, if improved, would VASTLY enhance the enjoyment and realism of low altitude and VFR bush flights. I assume that Microsoft had set a limit on the auto-gen density (for frame rate reasons) and felt it was necessary to render the conifers as WIDE as they did to help improve the appearance of "ground coverage".
Vegetation in simulators has for years used the technique of criss-crossing two flat bitmaps at right angles in order for the object in question to look "volumetric" at any angle observed. Fs2002, as you may have noticed, uses this same technique for the four varieties of conifers present everywhere. In attempting to change the WIDTH of these trees to a more realistic shape, it was apparent that if the trees were thinner, the above-mentioned "appearance of ground cover" would be weakened. What should be a well-forested area would then look rather sparse in appearance, even with auto-gen settings at maximum. As there is a limit to auto-gen density, (and there is no SDK as of yet), that seemed unfortunate. Nice trees...no coverage.
The solution was simple. Assuming that FS2002 would use anything that was placed the designated section of the vegetation bitmap assigned to the conifers, I placed TWO TREES in each panel, as wide apart as possible. Where the trunk of one FS2002 tree should be then becomes the MIDDLE of a group of FOUR NEW TREES. The new trees stand at what would be the outer branches of one wide default tree. The trade off is that they appear as "flat" bitmaps when seen from the side, (the criss-cross point is transparent). HOWEVER, the sheer NUMBER of trees combined with the fact that FS2002 renders each tree with a random azimuth alignment, AND randomizes their sizes, AND the seeming "width variety" for identical trees seen at differing angles, such reduces this problem as to be almost completely unnoticeable, even welcome. In fact, I was quite stunned upon cruising the first time low and slow over the pointed crowns of a thick and seemingly endless stand of conifers. It is my sincere wish you will be as well.
December 28, 2001
The enclosed files will replace the FS2002 default auto-generated conifers with new and more realistically shaped and colored trees. They also INCREASE the number of visible conifer trees by a factor of 4 to 1, (with a small trade-off, PLEASE READ "IMPORTANT NOTES" BELOW). They do not change the other default auto-gen vegetation at all, except for the examples noted below. All five FS2002 seasonal changes are present. The most noticeable change in the seasons is "winter", and "heavy winter", when lack of new growth and snow cover are, respectively, present.
I would like to mention as well that I have adjusted the COLOR of the conifers to that which seemed to best display a feeling of living trees in FULL SUN... WITHOUT, hopefully, having them be to bright, saturated, or vibrant in general. The Default conifers seem to me much too drab and melt into the ground textures at everything but close range. I wanted to avoid this without going overboard on the color. They are quite different in different light and I hope I have succeeded in making them seem "alive" without to much distraction to the landscape.
As stated above I have not changed any of the default vegetation (except for the conifers), with two small exceptions: the "heavy winter" "evergreen generic" trees were given a bit more snow so as to more look like "heavy winter", and to blend more realistically with the new conifers during that season. Also (as I live on Maui), I noticed that the generic palm tree vegetation was solid black in the shadowed areas of the palm fronds and was most distracting. I have corrected this and given them a hair more yellow as this more closely resembles the trees in life.
Trees are certainly one of the most beautiful aspects of our Earth, and with Microsoft's remarkable improvements in this latest Flight Simulator release, simming has just crossed over into the twenty-first century. I hope this small addition will help make yours that much more vibrant.
Aloha and Mahalo...
-Ed Truthan