Scenery Ring Question


Charter Member
Hi guys. I still can't figure out how PatchWorldDim works versus RingDim. I have read through the Terrain SDK and tried to plot it out on graph paper and I still dont' see it clearly on srcreen. I am trying to get rid of the small fadeout areas between rings. I am hoping to get a smooth increase in scenery model density as you cross the terrain. Can someone straighten this out for me? How many pathces should each ring have for a given size, 128, 256 and so on? How do you make the center ring larger? I have started one at 512 and it looks a little bigger but I'm not sure. I still get fade out between rings as you look ahead of the aircraft, even though I think I've made them overlap.

Hmmm, I think I fixed it by going to another version. Still hard to tell but for now I am focusing on the density alone. No blank spots so that helps.