

Get the kettle on, time for a brew.
While I'm flying the scenery seems to update very slowly. Looking on the horizon and even upto a few hundred meters from my position the landscape is as green and clear as a billiard table but around my plane the scenery is fine. The trees, hedgerows and buildings magically appear from nowhere as I approach them. I don't remember it doing that before, any way of extending the field of view as it slightly spoils the immersion ?
Slaine, you need to edit your "compositescenerybudgets.xml" file in your assets folder. You can change the density of objects and the number of rings in your pilots vision. Do a search here on this topic and you should find more tips.
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of those files. My ETO install was working fine, yet my other installs use the same scenery files. So I deleted the whole of my terrains folder and replaced it with the ETO terrains folder. And for some reason I had another set of compositescenery and compositetexture files in the main folders of my other installs so I deleted them too and now it's business as usual :jump:
Thanks for the link Pat, found the thread I need. Do I change the details in compositescenery and comptexture in just the terrdata zip in the terrains folder or ammend the xml files in the assets folder or ammend both ? I don't know how textures work so will the terradata zip file define the xml files in the assets folder ? (next week... crash course lessons in brain surgery !!)
Thanks for the link Pat, found the thread I need. Do I change the details in compositescenery and comptexture in just the terrdata zip in the terrains folder or ammend the xml files in the assets folder or ammend both ? I don't know how textures work so will the terradata zip file define the xml files in the assets folder ? (next week... crash course lessons in brain surgery !!)

No idea mate, sorry! Squiffy's the man for this I believe. :)
Slaine, only change the density settings and texture quality numbers in each of the ...budgets.xml files in your assets folder. For good measure, you are edvised to delete the scenery.zx and texture.zx files in your terrain folder but I find it isn't really neccesary anymore. My changes always seem to take without it.
Slaine, only change the density settings and texture quality numbers in each of the ...budgets.xml files in your assets folder. For good measure, you are edvised to delete the scenery.zx and texture.zx files in your terrain folder but I find it isn't really neccesary anymore. My changes always seem to take without it.
Hey Squiff, I tried the "insane rings" tweak and holy wow...what a big difference!
Have you been using this? It's kinda killed my framerate...and I'm stuttering more than before. I need to work on this...but I love the looks of it.

<Budget Name="Five">
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="16384" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="8192" ImageQuality="0"/>
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="4096" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="2048" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="1024" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="512" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="256" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="128" ImageQuality="0" />
<ImageQuality PatchWorldDim="64" ImageQuality="0" />
<Rings AboveGroundLevel="0" MaxDistEyeInnerRing="0">
<Ring PatchWorldDim="16384" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="49152" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="8192" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="24576" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="4096" RingDim="7" MinMaskRadius="12288" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="2048" RingDim="9" MinMaskRadius="6144" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="1024" RingDim="9" MinMaskRadius="3072" UseMips="y"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="512" RingDim="9" MinMaskRadius="1536" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="256" RingDim="9" MinMaskRadius="768" />
<Ring PatchWorldDim="128" RingDim="9" MinMaskRadius="384"/>
<Ring PatchWorldDim="64" RingDim="9" MinMaskRadius="192" DetailTileCount="16" />
I tried it before but it was too much for my old AGP4x slot. What you can do is adjust the image quality numbers to thin down with each ring. YOu only need 0 or 100 percent in the center ring. The outer rings are far away and never need to be crystal clear. My qualities usually pair down like this:

100 or 0

And so forth.
I tried it before but it was too much for my old AGP4x slot. What you can do is adjust the image quality numbers to thin down with each ring. YOu only need 0 or 100 percent in the center ring. The outer rings are far away and never need to be crystal clear. My qualities usually pair down like this:

100 or 0

And so forth.
Cool, what do you know about the ...

-RingDim="9"- ???
Not a whole lot. It's a mix between number of squares in each circle layer (that the circle sits on, diameter basically) and then the scale of each pixel in the related squares. I usually just use a combination that I know works in stock or package settings. pair the same ring dim with patch world dim.

You know what, I think the mask radius might have more control over the visible size of eacj ring, not it's detail or scale. I''m goin to tweak that now.
No dice really, sorry. All it did was knock out the terrain ring blend for that ring and might have also stretched the scale making it more coarse. it did make the ring larger. All I got was a chunky square in place of the original ring.