So, continuing to work on these. It's very easy for me to add 200+ ac to a missions and arrange that they all arrive at a certain wp on time, are joined by escorts, or attacked on time; the problem is when actually test flying the mission(s)
1. Using warp just between to wps, say, 10nm after leaving wp1 and 10nm before arriving at pt.2 Most times there is no more cohesion between all the flights, which rarely arrive together as they should. I reason that warping does not use the MB laid down speeds, but whatever speed the player is at the time of warp?
2. Manual flying most of the way. Of course if one does the whole missions we are talking hours.
I made notes based on the MB for heading and speed (in mph as dials don't seem to use knots). Actually the MB advised heading to the next wp doesn't always keep one on the TI path or the internal map indicated path. I have tried to set, speed, trim, and heading both as MB indicated (not always stays on TI/map path) and then use Ctrl Sft A or Ctrl A for auto pilot; also not always reliable. It seems better to set trim manually. and just monitor it. This involved regular checking on the internal map zoomed in to check on course, along with the TI indicated path; they don't always agree,
3. The object of the exercise is to keep the whole strike force together, so one has to go slower or faster as the player, to try and keep them all together; NOT easy!
4. Now, although I do have a planning mission involving the whole mission with 2 Air Task Forces (Schweinfurt), to which I could add all escorts and attack ac, mostly I plan to work with missions involving 1 ATF, or, more often 1 Combat wing, but, given the whole defensive policy of the 8th., I can't really reduce the 8th. missions below a Combat wing, and, sometimes, an ATF.
5. Escort fighter or LW missions are easier in that I am operating within 1 squadron or 'Gruppe' or 'Staffel'. I have yet to check if all the 8th ac stick together if I warp the fighter player.
6. Spawns. I have made some both for escort and LW fighters, but so far I am not happy with them at all WRT to making them keep roughly to historical parameters.
Conclusions: There is a lot of testing still to be done, in order to make halfway decent historical type missions, and I haven't even looked at Regensberg. Hopefully something will get done before I have to go back to TOW come late Autumn at the latest! Anyone who reckons they know more about missions, feel free to contact me, and I can send the planning missions for study. It helps if you can get hold of Martin Middlebrook's book on the 2 missions.
I should add, WRT 8th. missions, they will be ones at different stages of the raid
From take off
From the English coast
From the French coast
From the IP pre-bombing point
and maybe from post bombing before LW attacks on return trip.
1. Using warp just between to wps, say, 10nm after leaving wp1 and 10nm before arriving at pt.2 Most times there is no more cohesion between all the flights, which rarely arrive together as they should. I reason that warping does not use the MB laid down speeds, but whatever speed the player is at the time of warp?
2. Manual flying most of the way. Of course if one does the whole missions we are talking hours.
I made notes based on the MB for heading and speed (in mph as dials don't seem to use knots). Actually the MB advised heading to the next wp doesn't always keep one on the TI path or the internal map indicated path. I have tried to set, speed, trim, and heading both as MB indicated (not always stays on TI/map path) and then use Ctrl Sft A or Ctrl A for auto pilot; also not always reliable. It seems better to set trim manually. and just monitor it. This involved regular checking on the internal map zoomed in to check on course, along with the TI indicated path; they don't always agree,
3. The object of the exercise is to keep the whole strike force together, so one has to go slower or faster as the player, to try and keep them all together; NOT easy!
4. Now, although I do have a planning mission involving the whole mission with 2 Air Task Forces (Schweinfurt), to which I could add all escorts and attack ac, mostly I plan to work with missions involving 1 ATF, or, more often 1 Combat wing, but, given the whole defensive policy of the 8th., I can't really reduce the 8th. missions below a Combat wing, and, sometimes, an ATF.
5. Escort fighter or LW missions are easier in that I am operating within 1 squadron or 'Gruppe' or 'Staffel'. I have yet to check if all the 8th ac stick together if I warp the fighter player.
6. Spawns. I have made some both for escort and LW fighters, but so far I am not happy with them at all WRT to making them keep roughly to historical parameters.
Conclusions: There is a lot of testing still to be done, in order to make halfway decent historical type missions, and I haven't even looked at Regensberg. Hopefully something will get done before I have to go back to TOW come late Autumn at the latest! Anyone who reckons they know more about missions, feel free to contact me, and I can send the planning missions for study. It helps if you can get hold of Martin Middlebrook's book on the 2 missions.
I should add, WRT 8th. missions, they will be ones at different stages of the raid
From take off
From the English coast
From the French coast
From the IP pre-bombing point
and maybe from post bombing before LW attacks on return trip.
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