"Scramble on a golden Morn"


The Bordeaux-Red Baron
Just returned from a "scramble". Absolutely right, what you said recently, GIMPY: first to wait and check the situation, before you roll out and get airborne.
As I'm flying with no "radar", and plane displays off, I looked around, starting the engine. There they were, falling out of the center of the sky - 6 - 8 planes! When they all had picked one of my comrades' planes, I let my Albatros D II go (though I've just learned from WomenFly2, that these planes didn't have neither gas nor throttle - fortunately we have!), lift off and at it! They were Airco DH 2's, and so they didn't have much of a chance against the four of us.
We downed the poor devils in their armed frameworks with no effort. Still though, it could have been my end - one climbed up from underneath left, and I hadn't seen him. I heard the sharp whistling noise of the rounds, and the shredding noise of the canvas; even saw some of the tracers close to my head... phew!!! That got me in a rage, and I plastered him from very close behind, until I thought, I heard him scream - then the rage was gone.
Watched him go down in a long and elegant curve, the morning sun broke through the clouds, pouring all her gold and warmth over the final scene of a British airman. He crashed into the wood.
When I had turned the magneto off, I heard the birds singing from the nearby trees, as if nothing much had happened...

(Soundtrack: Barber's "Adagio for Strings" as in OFF)
Well it ain't That Bad with your inline engine, still it is a Fire Hazard. Continualy pushing, pilot pressurized fuel to a non-running red hot engine.

Why any pilot, gets into the habit of killing the engine with the magneto, I'll never know ?
It might be because of WWII, or 1930's aircraft, they had fuel pumps, you don't.

It's not like it's gonna burst into Flames on the ground.

But There and Then, if you didn't kill that engine via the Mixture Idle Cutoff, you were asking for trouble.

And IF you did it with rotory, you were just plain crazy :isadizzy:
Someone wrote that method somewere, and I used it since (always on Albatrosses).
What's the "right" way (which keys are for "fuel turn off", and how long would it take 'till engine-out? I don't want to drive into the hangars)?
while it is right there was almost no (or only in a few) throttle control with rotary engines this is not true for the liquid-cooled six-cylinder inline Mercedes, Benz or Maybach engines used in most of the german planes.
It was common for a pilot's mechanic to start the engine and let it idle after testing the magnetoes and such, then let it warm up idling at appx. 900-1000 revs pm for a few minutes, which would roast a rotary ...
So you can indeed fly your Albatros with as much throttle as you like, only that below 1300 rpms there is not much power left to keep altitude :icon_lol:
While flaring out you would certainly "cut the throttle" (stop the engine-driven pressure pump and release tank pressure) before switching off the magnetoes, so there would be no fuel rests left in the cylinders eventually causing running-on of an overheated engine, and only switch the "ignition" off after the engine has stopped.
Mixture Idle Cutoff - Control+Shift+F6. Unfortunately 3 keystrokes.

Soo go to control options, and reassign it, to a single key which serves NO function in OFF, mine is ( W )

Now ( W ) serves as your kill switch. The instant your wheels touch the earth, hit ( W ) and that engine is dead, instantly
While you're in Control Options
There are many keys that serve no purpose in OFF
( F & V ) for the flaps you don't have
( G & B ) Gear & Brakes
Those have universal uses, but not here
See the Tips & Cheats STICKY #11
I always liked scrambles. The best part is the friendly flak. I have lost 2 pilots from friendly flak coming from our airbase during scrambles :costumes: . And if you fly from Vert-Galand you have that dreaded balloon right in front of the base. I have hit its cable several times :isadizzy:.
Mixture Idle Cutoff - Control+Shift+F6. Unfortunately 3 keystrokes.

Soo go to control options, and reassign it, to a single key which serves NO function in OFF, mine is ( W )

Now ( W ) serves as your kill switch. The instant your wheels touch the earth, hit ( W ) and that engine is dead, instantly
While you're in Control Options
There are many keys that serve no purpose in OFF
( F & V ) for the flaps you don't have
( G & B ) Gear & Brakes
Those have universal uses, but not here
See the Tips & Cheats STICKY #11

And if you have a stick with programmable buttons you can assign it to one of them. Which is another good reason for getting Track IR. Before that nearly half of my joystick buttons were, in some way, tied in to view commands. With all of that now controlled by my head those are available for other things.
And if you have a stick with programmable buttons you can assign it to one of them. Which is another good reason for getting Track IR. Before that nearly half of my joystick buttons were, in some way, tied in to view commands. With all of that now controlled by my head those are available for other things.

I found that even though Trackir frees up 8 views on your Hat Switch, in the heat of battle, you only desire 4, Mine are:
N = exterior view of my my aircraft, from the rear (Float View ) Perfect for straffing runs

S = Virtual Cockpit. can use your Trackir

E = Select Weapon

W = Rocket/Bomb View . . change it in Control Options. . it's normally F9 . . and that's a conflict with Trackir

PS . . . that Float view, is great when checking for Battle Damage
After my previous post I got to thinking, "Why not put the mixture controls on the hat switch, since I'm not using it to look around?" So I did. And it works great. Up increases the mixture incrementally, down decreases, left is full cutoff and right is full rich. Hopped into my Dr1 (using Otto von Action, BTW...gotta love him) and took it in, "blipping" between full lean and full rich. All while keeping my eyeballs where they should be, watching for the ground to come up and meet my wheels, not hopping over to a keyboard every so often.

Gimpy, I was speaking for myself when I spoke of the joystick buttons that TIR freed up. You, and anyone else, are the only ones who can speak for yourselves, of course. Personally, I spend 99.9% of my time in virtual cockpit mode...100% when I'm engaged. In fact the only time I go outside the cockpit is to admire my aircraft while I'm between waypoints (planning on painting some planes with a scheme I've used in Red Baron and Richtofen's Skies...here's a preview of the ones I've done for RS).
I personally am rather lazy in the mixture area, letting Workshop handle the mixture duty. So it's basically whatever makes your boat float.

I find it rather reassuring, the Exterior View in my DH2, when I hear the ripping canvas. Or when I wonder Why I can't fly in excess of 80mph, and I'm losing altitude. Everything looks perfect, from the cockpit, even with Trackir it's difficult to check your six. But with a momentary exterior view, it'll show me, that in-fact, a few tail feathers are missing
I personally am rather lazy in the mixture area, letting Workshop handle the mixture duty. So it's basically whatever makes your boat float.

I find it rather reassuring, the Exterior View in my DH2, when I hear the ripping canvas. Or when I wonder Why I can't fly in excess of 80mph, and I'm losing altitude. Everything looks perfect, from the cockpit, even with Trackir it's difficult to check your six. But with a momentary exterior view, it'll show me, that in-fact, a few tail feathers are missing

Valid points for external view, Gimpy. And lest anyone think me an elitist, OFF is the first sim in which I've chosen not to use auto-mixture. IL-2, FS 98-2004 and various and sundry "Ok, that's enough of that" sims have all been flown with it on. And those likely will continue to be so.

In IL-2 and FS9 I use the hat for trim.
GIMPY, GIMPY - finally caught you cheating a little bit ? External view - could any pilot "fly" behind his plane, just for a better sight for strafing runs?!
You can lift a bit from your seat, to get a better view; that's something I sometimes do. But outside or chase views - tch!!! :173go1:

Cheers; Olham
GIMPY, GIMPY - finally caught you cheating a little bit ? External view - could any pilot "fly" behind his plane, just for a better sight for strafing run

"FINALLY" ? surely you jest. Not cheating means playing Without any aides. I'm here for personal pleasure, not a challenge to attain personal goals. Actually I'm looking forward to Exploding Trucks in Phase 3

Too me video definetion is when it says Marching Troops, there's actually 6 or 8 Warm Bodies Hoofing it on the Road. When Phase 2 initially was introduced my best was 7 Hours, 47 minutes, 16 claims, 9 confirmed. In a dogfight I dived, without chopping my throttle first, next stop Dirt Nap

"A man has to know his limitations", perhaps I'm the reason why there were no 50 year-old fighter pilots with thick glasses.
I know HOW to cheat- because I've tried every way :kilroy:
well i also love this "hardcore" simming (sorry for this idiotic word), however already in Silent Hunter III and certainly OFF it would be a wate not to use exterior view from time to time - those planes, skins, waves and landscape are just too pretty not to look at them.
Well, Catfish, if it's for looking at the planes, I agree. They look really good.
I like your white planes, vonBaur. So you have the Blue Max too. What would you think of adding some deep blue (according to the Blue Max), on the upper wing surface, for example?
Those Flying for the Dark side, can never experience, an exploding rocket. From the pilots seat, you miss most of the action, you can see if it was a hit, or a miss, but that's about it.
Utilizing your machine gun as an aiming point, you fire.
You instantly move to exterior view, keyboard just ain't quick enough.
After doing it for awhile, you can tell by the exhaust trail of the rockets if they're running Hot & True

Depending on the Target, you might instantaneously( keys too slow) switch to ( weapon view) change of angle of perception. Problem is once you go to weapon view, you can clip a tree, that you'll never see. Because as you're watching your rockets impact on target. The tree is getting closer.

Also from the seat, you'll miss seeing the shock wave ( Float view) is about the best

Good thing there are no rockets for the Sourkraut Brothers, there's No sighting Line, the only twin gun with rockets( Sopwith Camel) has a sight

Also I never understood just who, would want an all white aircraft ?
Beautiful that's for sure. Practical No Way, there must be some contrast.

I want to See my wingman's position from the corner of my eye, whilst I'm looking straight ahead
If I need to actually look at him, to see him. That means I've taken my eyes off the enemy :ernae:
Hey, GIMPY, we "sourcrout brothers" don't need rockets! We have two high tech Spandaus on EVERY plane (well, except the "wingwarper")! A short blast from them makes a mess of any plane! Rockets - huh!
What went into you, by the way, to appear here in such a way too modern aircraft? Is it, that you too would like to experience true gun power, but still don't dare to fly a German plane?

PS: what's going on with your avatar - now you changed it again?
What I dislike about all the German Twin gunners(aside from the inability to loadout with Rockets or Bombs) is the Lack of a gunsight. With P.O.E. being an estimation

Granted the Rockets, belong on a P47. .Which makes about as much sense as TIGHT spread with twin MG's

Sooo it's whatever makes your boatfloat

PS . . I'll be back to normal soon, just checking !!
Who would want an all-white aircraft? Who would want an all-red aircraft?

I chose all-white because...well, I really can't remember now (it sucks to get old). I think it was because I was getting better against people and wanted to stand out. After that it just kind of got a life of its own.

The Blue Max has nothing to do with my OFF campaign, Olham. It was added after my 5,000th online victory. Admittedly, I have no idea against how many online deaths that was, but somewhere less than 5,000, I'm sure. The first was hand-done and measured in the neighborhood of 25x25 pixels, so it was rather lacking in detail, but it was based on the medal in the movie "The Blue Max". As I gained experience with Photoshop I discovered how to eliminate the backgorund of an image and I created a decal, of sorts, using a single frame taken from the movie. I resize it as needed and paste it onto an aircraft's skin file. I've even added it to an all-white Me-262 I did for IL-2 FB.