Screen Resolution


Master of Disaster
Why does my screen resolution change when I start a mission. Everything else appears set to hi-res but when I click on go to the field it suddenly changes to a low-res setting. CFS3 is set to the higest setting. In the workshop the game is set to high res. It was working right up until today. For some reason it changed and I don't remember touching anything......arrgghhh!

Did you set screen resolution in the Workshop in the main Off Manager?

Have you tried also setting it in the CFS3 config which is accessible from the Workshop.

If you make a change to settings in CFS3 config always File/ Exit rather than simply closing the CFS3config window or changes will not be saved.

My apologies, if you have already tried all these things.



Sorry Mud

I will have a look and see if I can suggest anything else when I get home from work.

I hope others will see this post and make suggestions also.



Very odd did you increase sliders at all? Check the terrain and scenery sliders in custom are not too high (try knocking them back one).
Also if that fails try Reset CFS3 button.

Did you follow the steps as per the FAQ for setting up your screen res?
Make sure you choose the one with 32bit colour too.
If you have AA and Aniso' filtering enabled in graphics display driver, try reducing that some.