Screenie question



Why do my screenies look like this?
Sorry, I'll try again.
Well okay, when I look at them in the folder they are in black and white and the image is scewed and it looks like 1950's tv.
pressing ctrl and ;
and I am such a goof I could not upload the pics either, sorry
The images are bitmaps and I see now a message that "this is not a valid image file" in the Manage Attachments window. Are my files too large perhaps?
Use irfanview and convert them (there's even a batch convert option) or open them in MS Paint and save as jpg?
another try

Try again... this is what I get. Don't look so nice. But I converted to jpg and was able to get the image to show here. Thanks Pol.
Wow that's well wierd :)

Never seen that before, but something screwed with video memory or something. Try using FRAPS (free and can take screenshots too) and see what it does?