Screenshot & FS9 HELP


Charter Member
Hi folks,

After taking hundreds of screenshot in FS9 with my former computer, I now cannot retreive them with the new computer. The strange thing is that I can get screenshots from FSX, the desktop, internet pages, etc., etc., but not from FS9. When I paste the screenshot from FS9 to any paint/photo program, all I get is is a frame of solid black. Has any one of you ever ran into this situation, and--if so--how did you rectify it?

I have just completed a special order paint, and now I cannot send copies of screenshots to the person that requested the paint. If there was a simple way to convert FS9 to FSX (and I was smart enough to understand it) I could get the screenshots that way.

Any cures for this? :isadizzy:

Try switching to windowed mode instead of full screen, then maximize that window. You'll have nearly the same screen space occupied and you can edit out the window frame if you want.
Hey Tom,

Thanks for the get back. . . Strange, but I stumbled on to the trick. I messed with it for over a week, and I accidently found the cure. To get screenshots of any screen, I use SHIFT PRINTSCREEN and voila, there it is. For FS9 on this computer it wouldn't work. By pressing only PRINTSCREEN, FS9 screenies show up. Go figure.

Thanks for the info, but now I won't know if it would have solved my problem, seeing as how it's up and running.

Happy flying!

Rev Ev