Screenshots versus In-Game Appearance


Charter Member
I recently ran into a download that thought looked generally pretty good from the screenshots that came with it.
The problem was that when flown in the game, there were a bunch of characteristics that showed up that detracted from the "feel" of the aeroplane.

Most of them were animation of various kinds.
One of the problems was the same kind that first had me looking at editing the FW 190D I was experimenting with recently.
With AF99 Glue sequences for a static model and animation that changes the relative locations of the pieces being animated, some bleeds are unavoidable. Some bleeds are VERY avoidable.

When you have spent a lot of time building a nice looking model, spend a few more minutes making sure what you just animated actually looks like it should. Folks generally don't post screenshots of the landing gear retraction sequence but the player sees where the pieces go during the retraction animation and it helps that the pieces actually line up with wheel wells and don't do really strange things with their struts and braces.

My Mom once made a comment that seems quite appropriate in this context.
(I bet she never figured she would be advising about computer animation!)
"A doll doesn't grow a beard unless someone attaches one on it."

- Ivan.