


I love screenshots. I post a lot of them over at I thaught it migt be a good idea to start a thread where everyone could post his edited/unedited shots, be it something artistic, or a funny/weird situation. Also, suggestions could be made about editing, good advices are always welcome. :ernae:Whatr do you think? Let me open with my 2 OFF screenshots so far:


Here's a few...

But if you really enjoy screenshots, click on "navigate" at the top of the page and click on "screenshot gallery", that is, if you haven't already been there.

GregG you must have a really superb computer to have this kind of detail in your screenshots!
Unfortunately I dont play P2 since March as I lost it during a format :isadizzy:. So I cant post any screenshots. The P3 installation on our PCs is imminent so this thread might as well turn into some nice P3 pic gallery:jump:
Keep em coming.
You press Ctrl+; to take an SS which goes to the My Documents folder
I use "Print Screen", then paste it into any program. I use Photoshop to play with the lights and colours. Really? P3 is imminent? Wow, I'll keep a sharp eye out not to miss it. How it's gonna be availabe? Purchase? Download? DVD send-out?

To answer your question Gousounis, I have a c2d 2.66, GeForce 8800 GTS 512, with 2GB RAM. I hope it'll be able to handle P3 as well!
Cameljockey, are those your shots? I love the one with a Nieuport, dogfighting at low level. If I may suggest, cropping the upper part of the sky would make it look even better. Keep them coming!
Cameljockey, are those your shots? I love the one with a Nieuport, dogfighting at low level. If I may suggest, cropping the upper part of the sky would make it look even better. Keep them coming!
Air combat painting

As almost no one seems to notice my thread "Epic OFF Desctop", I'll show this here, though it's not only a screenshot; rather a collage, plus PHOTOSHOP painting. But it's fun doing; may do another.
As almost no one seems to notice my thread "Epic OFF Desctop", I'll show this here, though it's not only a screenshot; rather a collage, plus PHOTOSHOP painting. But it's fun doing; may do another.

Very nice, please do a few more and post them at resolutions for our desktops.

Superb editing Olham, and BB! Keep them coming!
Olham, that's called a composite picture, and that's the highest level of screenshot art. You might wanna check this page:
Hi, marklaur
Thank you; the pic should be big enough (1024 x 768) for use as screenshot.
Just click on it, and save the enlarged picture to your computer. I'm using it in this resolution, and it looks fine.
Cheers; Olham
CJ, Zat might juss be zee best Christmas card ever. Droppen all over zee Krumpet airfieldz. Merry Christmas from Der Fatherland!

But that really is a cool idea. Relatives must definately know that its yours:costumes:
