Sea Fury Naval Aviation update in the works


Charter Member
Perusing this thread at Classic British, we see a full-on Classic British Naval Aviation package slated for the Easter season.

It will focus on:

1/ Better Nav system and radio, more appropriate for early 1950's operation.

2/ Ground handling improvements.

3/ Improved landing behaviour

4/ At least 5 more repaints.

5/ Carrier group in Asia: Ocean, Glory and Sydney

6/ HMS Triumph in the Med

7/ RNVR Summer Training in the Med Flight Plans

8/ Carrier AI

9/ AI Sea Fury

10/ Full Paintkit created by Steven Beeny

Watch this space Late March
this will be fun for the crashing burning boys like moi.
The screeies of the carrier -based ai are worth the jump.

ps, saw Delta Lima over there. :wave: Hope this subject hasnt already been covered, plz forgive if so,

No worries Brady!

Yes, my part is just a tiny amount of AFCAD and AI work. The real heavy hitters are Steve and Pete, who have created an amazing package, the intent of which is to have a ready-to-go 1950's era Royal Navy carrier environment in a few of the world's hot spots of the period - complete with AI aircraft, associated traffic files, and a superbly up-to-date Sea Fury FB.II. Canucks, don't worry, we have not been forgotten ... I just can't say more right now ... :)

Stay tuned,
