That's the real thing, right ??..... (just asking, you can't be sure these days, can you...)I could not resist. A classic 50's museum piece. Shown here at Key West.
What Virtavia did was a pretty good representation of the actual cockpit as pictured.Some shots. Higher-resolution versions here.
It's the quality you'd expect from Virtavia -- looks like one of the better FSX/P3D planes. Not the super level-of-detail you'll get from the best MSFS planes, but c'mon, who else is going to do planes like the Seamaster, Stirling, F4D Skyray, etc?
I feel like it's worth $20, but I love this era of aviation.
Real cockpit for comparison:
That's in the sim! Note the F/A-18s in the background.
Off to go buy this after work!
What Virtavia did was a pretty good representation of the actual cockpit as pictured.
AvAngel's review - beat me to it!
Thanks for the info. Just got the new sim (and new computer) . Haven't tried seaplanes yet, anyone want to describe their experiences in water handling as yet? Skis are much better, I landed the carbon Cub on top of Mt Rainier in a spot that someone actually did many years ago and it was much better, not modeled as a sheet of ice!
Cheers: Tom