Searching Aeroplane Heaven freeware Eindecker


As ex Fokker employee, I am,(more than average) interrested in subject model, because I stumbled on some beautifull texture files for that legendary plane. The plane that reduced the machines of the Royal Flying Corps to "Fokker fodder", as Pemberton Billing put it in the House of Commons, by firing through the propellor. It did so, long before the red baron Rittmeister Freiherr Manfred von Richthofen was given a Fokker D VII, the most successful fighter in WW1, or a red Fokker triplane, in which he finally found his Waterloo.
The link that Caz, or Cazzie gave to the site where the model could be found (, is dead.
But maybe someone has this model in his archives?
I would be gratefull, and I am sure the AH people would not object.
Flip (ECats)
A Google search will find you the cfs2 version, and in case you didn't know it, cfs2 models can be dropped into fs9.

Failing that Bazzar from Aeroplane Heaven is a member here, you could try a polite request there, he posts in the FSX forum.

