Searching for a 3-View of the Fanliner


Hey guys,

I am looking for a 3 view of the famous 1970's Fanliner.

I have not been able to procure one. I have even gone to Luigi Colani himself (who designed it) but he is in China for the next year or so working on Wind Farm generator sites.

Does anyone know of a good 3 view of this fantastic plane? I would be greatful.

Hey Bill

About 2 years ago I ran across a 3 view of that bird and was going to build it but could not handle it at the time so I gave up. The drive that I had it on went out on me about a year later but I do know theres one out there some place. I will search on the sites I have and look around the net and let you know if I find it.

Does this help at all?

Not the Fanliner but the similar Fantrainer
Thanks OOBY. Not the one though. :d

Thanks Chris. I would be greatful. I dont know if I will have time to build it, but man, I would certainly love a 3 view of it.


Thanks Pete,

Thats a good lead and a nice side view. I very much appreciate it.

I see there were 2 Fanliners (at least). Maybe even 3. One had squared off doors (flat along the bottom, some straight zones on the edges, etc). Another version had a flattened top on the front of the nose pod. Version 3 was totally rounded and is depicted in most of the newest color photos, (doors are very rounded all over). It (version 3) also seems to have some Colani seats, hand control grips (wild shapes, have to see them), and an all white paint scheme.

I love this bird... arrghh.. :isadizzy:
