searching for a FW190 repaint !

CFS3. I've got it, so if you want it, I can send it on. At a guess, it was done by John "Bravo/4" Whelan for ETO.
There is also a red 19 FW190 A3 for CFS2. It is one of the 1% planes. I don't remember who made it. It is titled 1GR FW-190A3 Butcher Bird and shows the insignia of Oblt Fritz Krause of NJGR 10.
Where can I find it FritzHo ? can you send me a link ??? Still searching all "red19" stuff. Maybe some repainter has made a failure and I'l find my bird ;-)
I would think that it is on SOH. It was originally by, but they discontinued their CFS2 planes. If you can't find it send me an e-mail adress and I can send it to you.
I would think that it is on SOH. It was originally by, but they discontinued their CFS2 planes. If you can't find it send me an e-mail adress and I can send it to you.

All CFS2 1% aircrafts were available on Netwings.
