searching for shelter's

Quax d. Bruchpilot

Charter Member
Hello @ all

I have a little problem, I'm searching for modern shelter's that works with "EZ Scenery". Any ideas where I can find them ? Also scenerys are welcome where the shelters appears in EZ.

thx in advance
Take a look at these:

Both are by Jim Dhaenens and can be found at

I hope this helps you!

Mark :wavey:
The second file is a little bit to old for my project. No, not the file but the shelter's :kilroy:

The first one makes some problems in EZ, I can't see them after I've placed them. But I'll try again... Maybe my fault ? Who knows ? But they appear in EZ.

THX for your answer Mark ! :ernae:

As I've said, I'll try it again... thx onesmore :wavey:

Can you be specific as to what modern shelters you're looking for? I'm using some to redo Carswell AFB for FSX and they are the current Aircraft shelters seen on most fighter bases.
Do a search for 'Sidney Schwartz'.

He's done a whole heap of hangars ... vintage and modern.

I use his all the time with my EZ Sceneries.

andi, I didn't know that the has_lib was made for FSX. Sorry about that.:redface:

There's something else you might try.

Military AI Works ( ).

Their "MAIW Army Air Corps WAH-64" package (British Apaches) has an object library of shelters included.

Also, their "Osan AB" package (South Korea) has some nice shelters in it.

Keep trying!

first @ falcon409, I'm looking for shelters like the german air force has at its bases.

fnkybnch I have downloadet the fs9 version of these shelters ;-) But they don't work in EZ

But I'll look at maiw maybe I find something there.

thx guys :ernae: