Searching for VC trick


Sim Junkie
A few months ago I read a thread that had instructions on how to edit an aircraft model file to get FS9 to show the same VC panel while inside the cockpit that FS9 shows while in external view, but now cant find the thread. The site search function hates me- "hex editor" search gives me 'to common phrase' error while "editor" gives me only 25 results but not the thread I'm looking for.

Anyone remember the 'trick' or the thread ? I need to add a VC to some planes that weren't released with them.
Hi M,
Yes I remember it from about 3-6 months ago.

Now below this is to get rid of a VC, so should work in reverse?
Open the mdl file you want to edit and search for the following hex value: 0022003900. In the first two occurances of that string, simply change the 39 in 0022003900 to 00. It should now look like this: 0022000000. Save the changes.

To disable the VC and keep the landing lights coded in the .mdl file, use the hex editor to look for the second occurrence of 00 22 00 39 00 in the .mdl file, and change the 39 to 38 (not 00). This should kill the VC textures and keep the landing lights coded into the model visible from the 2D flight deck view.

So in reverse hopefully, search for the 00 22 00 00 00 strings and change to 00 22 00 39 00, this should get the VC to be displayed. Give it a go if there's no further info.

Cheers Shessi
You can't add a VC to FS9 models. Period.

Exactly. The VC, if it exists, is part of the model, and if the modeler didn't build it into the model, there's nothing you can do to add one after the fact. Well, not unless the modeler will let you have the model's Gmax or FSDS files so you could build your own VC and add it on. It's not a matter of getting it to show - there's nothing there to show.

The thread you're thinking of may have had something to do with getting the VC eyepoint to match the 2D panel eyepoint - something not all modelers do. Or maybe they do on their own confuters but it looks different on other people's confuters, depending on screen resolution or something like that.
I think I remember that thread too. It wasn't about adding interior model parts - it was more about getting parts coded to be viewed from the exterior to also be viewed while in VC view.You would essentially have a very low resolution static VC. Unfortunately, I can't find that thread either.
I think Dh Heron model (big package from simviation) has "static" VC thing done.
Oh how i would love Heron with nice VC...
Or maybe they do on their own confuters but it looks different on other people's confuters, depending on screen resolution or something like that.

Nope. Eyepoints are fixed in the aircraft.cfg and thus at the same position for everyone.
Hi M,
Yes I remember it from about 3-6 months ago.

Now below this is to get rid of a VC, so should work in reverse?
Open the mdl file you want to edit and search for the following hex value: 0022003900. In the first two occurances of that string, simply change the 39 in 0022003900 to 00. It should now look like this: 0022000000. Save the changes.

To disable the VC and keep the landing lights coded in the .mdl file, use the hex editor to look for the second occurrence of 00 22 00 39 00 in the .mdl file, and change the 39 to 38 (not 00). This should kill the VC textures and keep the landing lights coded into the model visible from the 2D flight deck view.

So in reverse hopefully, search for the 00 22 00 00 00 strings and change to 00 22 00 39 00, this should get the VC to be displayed. Give it a go if there's no further info.

Cheers Shessi

Well it's worth a try, at least if I can't get the VC issue fixed I've learned something new about the landing lights. Thanks for the info.
I've been using that hex edit mod since it was first posted. Instructions I saw are to search the model file for "00 68" then look right two spaces for "02". Change "02" to "03" and save. Then adjust eyepoint to put "pilot" in cockpit or wherever. I've tried it on Mike Stone and Paul Clawson's early birds. Same for Mr. Woosters (sp?) Martin torpedo bomber. These don't have a VC but I like to look out the windows or cockpit and see the exterior of the bird.
