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flying Brian

From the movie Indiana Jones 1 "Raiders of the lost ark". Must be a Horton, I think so. Could anybody help me, please ??? :help:


Although the luftwaffe did have flying wing aircraft, I think this one is

The fight takes place around the whirring propellers of a Flying Wing with Indy trying to avoid the German. Artist Ron Cobb designed a prototype Flying Wing that, with its end wing flaps tilted downward, was closer to the look of a US prototype developed in the 40s. The final, life-size airplane was built by the Vickers Aircraft Company, in England, and painted atElstree studios. Once completed the aircraft was disassembled and shipped to Tunisia, where it was rebuilt on location.
I have some pre-production drawings in an Indy book that showed an earlier design having 4 inline engines. Looked more like an XB-35 in its earlier incarnation.

Either way, the design was far too advanced for when Raiders takes place (1936); more akin to 1946. But ROTLA is my 2nd all-time favorite movie, so why nit pick? It's cool looking.