Norway - I have started a Norway area theater. You need to use older arc90 data as arc30 ends at 60 degrees north. Unless of course you can find it as I have been using the USGeo site stuff. It is avaibale but alas I dicovered at the lower resolution. Be that as it may it is better than nothing. I am still messing with map projection disortion, have it figured out some as the northern and southern lat are distorted with the Mecator projection. I can fix that and have just takes some time. I can take the area and make it square thus reducing on eliminating distorn just like the CFS3 map does to some degree. Oh, Steve talk about shorelines.....I read somewhere that the miles of shoreline in Norway are more than most of what southern Europe has - very tedious work mind you. Not ot include all the rivers and lakes and such - beautiful landscapes but crazy the amount of work. Can't do much right now as James is keeping me busy.....