Seasonal textures...frame rate hits?


Retired SOH Admin
I was just flying the Alpha Bobcat....doing some more checking on textures, getting closer to having the package ready for upload. I noted that my frame rates were a good bit lower than what I normally got with this plane....flying out of my home strip (KMFD) in Golden Wings 3 with the beautiful winter textures reflecting this area now that we have had a fair bit of snow in the last few days...about an inch and a half last night on top of the 5 we got a couple days ago. I was getting frame rates in the mid-teens....13 to 17 FPS....not good. Then I had a thought, so I changed to summer...and my frame rates jumped back up to the normal 24.8 that I get with the Bobcat...with most planes actually.

Has anyone else noticed a frame rate hit due to seasonal texturing?

Yes and I have always attributed it to the clouds that are drawn in the Winter.

For me it happens every winter. When I get into the or around clouds the FPS go far lower than in the summer.

Must be the snow hanging in them :icon_lol:

Did you make new textures for the Songbird? If not will the old textures from Dale DeLuca still work with your improvements to the plane? Here are some shots of the Flying Crown ranch that came with the textures with some additional scenery objects, AFCAD, and Songbird traffic added.

I get this frame rate hit with the winter textures even in clear skies....odd, but there it is.


I haven't done the Song Bird yet....but will as soon as I find a definitive scheme to work off of. I have found the Song Bird depicted in about 8 different ways...some are blue and white, some orange and white, some red and white. Heck, the way the plane was painted is different from one to another....some have the lower nacelles painted (like in your screen shots) others just have the front edges of cowls painted with a swooshie thing behind the cowl. The DeLuca textures...if they were done for the Alphasim Bobcat, they will still fit....I have not made any changes in the model file other than reducing the amount of shine in the MDL for use on the military will have to use the stock panel as part of the restoration project was fusing in the much nicer 2D and VC panel setups done by DrZGard.

Tim, compare the formats of your winter files with the summer files. If one is DXT and the other isn't, or if one has MIP's and the other doesn't, then you might see a performance difference.
I have found the Song Bird depicted in about 8 different ways...

It's a tough call! There may have been more than one T-50 songbird, and they may not have all been the same color. Remember, the series was shot in black & white.

It's also possible that there was just one, but that it may have been repainted during its time on the show. The T-50 was covered in fabric, and that was before the advent of Ceconite fabrics and Imron paints, so fabric airplanes had to be recovered much more frequently than they do today.

The original T-50 Songbird was owned and flown by Kirby Grant, who played Sky King.

When the T-50(s?) got worn out it (they?) were replaced by three Cessna 310s. I believe one of them was also owned by Grant. With three planes, they could always have one available for filming, one in maintenance, and one on the airshow circuit promoting the show. The colors of the 310s are more easily documented, because even though the show was in B&W, people took color pictures at air shows.

You can check out the Songbird in the original Sky King episodes here:

Did you make new textures for the Songbird? If not will the old textures from Dale DeLuca still work with your improvements to the plane? Here are some shots of the Flying Crown ranch that came with the textures with some additional scenery objects, AFCAD, and Songbird traffic added.

Terry, is that Bill Lyon's scenery? Can't find it under Dale Deluca's name.