Secret Weapon



Took off on a normal patrol and ran into a group of SE5s. So I came around did the ol Hun in the Sun deal, and let loose around 300ft. Not a single plane broke off and so I closed to 200ft and opened up again. Hmmmm I thought. So I closed to 50ft and let him have all 1000 rounds. They all just kept going.
Nice secret weapon to win the war.

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This occasionally happens. I fired all my rounds from just off the arse end of this Halberstadt and he just kept on going. Usually, they will descend slowly and if the mission goes on long enough, they will crash and you will get the credit. I've seen it maybe three times out of hundreds of combats. It's just one of those weird little things that all computer programs have. It's impossible to code for every particular eventuality. If you have to justify it in your head, I did read an historical report form one pilot who said he and his flight engaged a two seater over the front and even though they fired and fired at it, the a/c never chaged course or evaded. Eventually he pulled up even with it and saw that both the crew members were dead at the controls. They just left it on its last, lonely flight.

So there is precedence :)

Barring a Klingon Bird of Prey w/ the cloaking device. 300 ft is way out of range, so is 200, close to about 50 .. then try it. 1000 rounds with NO JAMS . . what's your secret ? :applause::applause:
Umm I hate to be picky OP but that SE5 in your picture is definatly not a SE5 :p

had something similar the other night. two sopwith strutters flying straight and level ahead of my single DIII. crept up on the near one to probably 50 ft and held down on the trigger till he disappeared in the smoke. also jammed both MG's. then remembered what I'd read here about g forces sometimes clearing the jam, did a nose dive and climb back to altitude and there sat the 2nd sopwith, straight and level. did the same to him, in shorter bursts and watched him flame all the way in from about 2000 ft. Too much like clubbing baby seals, didnt even file a claim.
capn rick
I came across another secret weapon just now in a QC flight that I'm still stunned about! I took two of my wingman up in Camels and we met a flight of four DIIIs. We each peeled off an enemy and began peppering them. I got mine down after a bit (those DIIIs were sorely overmatched), and headed off after the others. There were only two left, and both my wingman were concentrating on the healthiest one, leaving one smoking to roller coaster out over the channel. He was doing the dip and dive like Nieuports or DIIs. His engine must have been giving him fits. I felt sorry for the bugger, but duty and all.... So I lined up behind him and waited until I was within 100 (feet? meters? what does the program measure in?) and laid into him. He took a lot of punishment. I have whatever the setting that tells you when you're hitting someone disabled, so I don't know the percentage, but stuff was flying off of him like debris in a tornado. Everytime he'd climb up a little, I'd hit him again, mostly from within 50 feet. Finally, I overflew him and turned to come around and try to finish him off.

As I was turning, I kept my eye on him, and THAT'S when I discovered a heretofore unknown quality of these AlbDIII's. Those ingenious Germans!!! I watched him settle onto the surface of the water, expecting to watch him sink, and instead, he started kicking up quite a wake as he slowly motored toward the coast of Normandy! Those DIIIs can convert to motor boats!!!! I watched him for 5 minutes while he made steady progress toward the coast. My two wingmen, who had downed the other enemy by then, just flew over him over and over again, deeply puzzled, apparently, about what to do. Fearing immanent invasion, I lined up on him and threw as much of a burst into him as I could before slapping the waves myself. That stopped him! He turned black on my little TAC screen and stopped moving. He didn't sink, mind you. But he ceased his naval activities.

What a hoot!
The model Ford T is my secret weapon!...It fires rockets, but doesn't move!...hmmm lol