Section F8 F-86 Coast to Coast Challenge


Charter Member
A little test of the duenna featuring the F-86 from Section F8.

KSAN to KJFK with a mandatory stop in KSTL

Ok to fly daylight hours. All other realism settings per FS RTW rules.

Have fun!

Hoping to depart later in the evening.
KSAN - KZUN in F-86

This is my first leg in the run to KJFK in the magnificent Sectionf8 Sabre. I had some dense clouds over the mountains which forced me to fly a bit higher than desired but I was still able to hold 555 KTAS for most of the run. A nice straight in approach made for a quick landing right on the numbers.

Baton time: 49:47

I’m flying low altitude legs from San Diego to St. Louis to take advantage of the better performance, but I don’t have the range to make it in two hops. Favorable tail winds could make a two hop trek quicker, but there wasn’t much wind blowing this evening.

Hey do you get Bonus points for Flying threw the Arc in St. Louis???

If we do I will refly the last leg I did last night. :d

I put three down and may do the rest tonight.

Perhaps I have done something wrong But this plane has given me more problems than I can deal with. It taxi's like a race car the brakes are way to sensitive I touch them and I do a cart wheel. Then I finally get it air born and the gear do not retract all the way it handles like a toy plane touch the controls and it does loops rolls and then noses down in the ground. I have yet to find a military jet that I can fly. I will use another aircraft for this one.:isadizzy::bs:
ROFL :ernae:

Thats what I normally do with Jets. They are not my style.

Visually it is a stunning model but it has all of the problems associated with the real plane. This was a true labor of Love with a lot of research involved in the development.

To help solve some of your problems here are some key things to know.

You need take off trim. There is a light on the dash apply up trim until it comes on.

at least 20% flaps for short air strips maybe more but you give yourself less time to raise them before 160 KIAS

Take off roll at 126 KIAS no sooner or later

Flaps must start up before 160 KIAS indicated speed.

Gear must be up immediately after take off roll. If you wait too long the gear will be botched. That is why they do not go up. You damage the Hydraulics.

Now to land. Most jets (which is why I don't fly them) go fast and need to land fast. Full Flaps stall speed is 120 KIAS. You need to land with the Dive flaps deployed and power applied to keep your airspeed up. If the Dive flaps are not deployed you will go too fast to land. (or at least I do)

I never move the N2 gauge over 96% or engine damage starts to build

Read the manual that is at and consult the knee board (F10) while in the sim for all of the references.

Still all in all I prefer the Piston Engine aircraft but I keep working at it and I am getting better at a greater variety.
Gary - Welcome to the dark side. Lots of nice guys over here too.

The F-86 takes a little practice. Once you crack the throttle and get it rolling, close the throttle per the manual. As far as turns and such go, it takes a very light touch.

I have been side tracked and am starting tonight.

My second leg in the F-86!

The winds were favorable this evening so I decided to head up high for a long flight. Cruising at nearly 34,000 I had plenty of gas and fortunately my ground speed never dropped below 545 kts. St. Louis was a bit overcast, but it wasn’t a problem finding those big runways. BTW, it seems like 98% is the max continuous power rating without the warning horn going off.

My baton time to STL is: 2:30:21 :jump:

KSTL - KJFK in F-86

My last leg in Sabre and it was another wonderful ride. There wasn’t much wind at the start to help me along but by the time I reach half way I was getting pushed to a ground speed of nearly 570 kts. For some unknown reason the Sabre decided it wanted to be a glider about 10 miles out from the airport but I was able to get it relit before it got too scary. I think I would have had enough speed to coast in, but I was much happier not having to.

Total Baton Time: 3:56:41 :wiggle:

Well I will finish this journey after our practice is over.

Seems I have been flying under different rules too. :icon_lol:

I thought we were flying under the Subsonic jet rule for Africa last year that limits the legs to 700nm. :banghead:

Oh well I will finish with two more stops than the others. :kilroy:
Well I Put the F86 in the bone yard and used a CRJ for the first leg Landed in KSTL with heavy rain and poor visibility.I was hoping to start the second leg today but had to much Christmas related stuff to do.I will try again on Sunday:ernae: