SECTIONF8 Sabre textures


Charter Member
I uploaded some days ago a F-86 package of the SECTIONF8 Sabre dedicated for CFS2. I'm just curious. How does these textures look in FS9? Because as you know we cant use the Alpha channel for bare metal reflection in CFS2. Anyone care to post a picture?

Hey Morton,

The simple answer is probably, 'the same', without re-applying a suitable alpha, nothing will change.


BTW, looking awesome.
Let me download 'em and give 'em a shot. Bare metal can be a bit difficult to get right as not all vid cards will show it the same. I can make bare metal look pretty fair on my system, but it'll look different for the guys that I fly online with.

Nevermind.... should have remembered to look under "What's New?"

I've got to go feed the horses, but I'll get to them sometime this evening.
Let me download 'em and give 'em a shot. Bare metal can be a bit difficult to get right as not all vid cards will show it the same. I can make bare metal look pretty fair on my system, but it'll look different for the guys that I fly online with.

Thanks. Allthough as Jamie says, they probably will look the same , it seems to me the old type FS8 (CFS2) type texture formats often looks better in FS9.

Got one of them installed to where FS9 will pick it up in the Aircraft Menu. While I was doing that I took a look at the main bitmap with DXT/BMP and it's your usual work of art.

FS9 didn't really like the texture format (555?) as it started blurry as heck and slowly came into focus. I took a screenshot to show what it looked like after a minute or so. It actually looked a bit better in the sim as I had to reduce the screenshot in size to attach it.

Still, I can't help but wonder how they would appear in a more FS9 friendly format like 32 bit 888 and with a good alpha layer to add some shine to them. I might just give it a go here after while.
These screenies are in FS9 with 32-bit 888 textures and custom texture based alphas.
I'm not sure that they are even necessary, but they do give a slightly improved 3D impression.
The base metal textures are absolutely stunning!

View attachment 93444 View attachment 93446 View attachment 93445

Regards, Stuart

My God! You're right Stuart. They do look good in FS9 with that alpha added! Thank you for posting!
Just a suggestion. if you like, I would be very pleased if you cared to upload a FS9 package with my textures reworked as you describe. :applause:

Just one thing: I notice that you probably didn't include all the texture files. There's something wrong with the underside body isn't it? Also the Warning text below the front cockpit is missing i think. (many of the texture files are changed. Even the pilot helmets)

My God! You're right Stuart. They do look good in FS9 with that alpha added! Thank you for posting!
Just a suggestion. if you like, I would be very pleased if you cared to upload a FS9 package with my textures reworked as you describe. :applause:

Just one thing: I notice that you probably didn't include all the texture files. There's something wrong with the underside body isn't it? Also the Warning text below the front cockpit is missing i think. (many of the texture files are changed. Even the pilot helmets)


You are right Morton.

I only incorparated a few texture files, so I could get an impression of the metal work.
It's not even the right model. This is the SF8 F-86EF Hardwing Beta.
I would be quite happy to bundle your textures and UL them to the FS9 section. No big deal.
Don't forget though, alpha textures have a different appearance and intensity on every setup, mainly depending on the env.bmp used.

Regards, Stuart

I can't help but notice that the latest shots appear to show the model with the "6-3" wing.


Great that you have produced these excellent re-paints (via Morton). I like it that you to grabbed the no-slats version when you had the opportunity.

Look fwd to you UL and thanks a lot for your effort.

Great looking textures Morton. Nice work on the alpha textures Stuart. I, for one, will definitely be awaiting these textures for FS9. Thanks, guys, for this collaboration. :applause: :applause: