SectionF8 Sabres


Charter Member
Whatever happened to the SectionF8 development team?

Their website is still up, but their downloads are now hosted by Ozx.

We had such hopes that there were to have been a great load of possible variants, other than the slatted-wing F-86E/F.
I'm still waiting for the definitive F-86D/K 'Dog'.

It's such a shame.

The project lead was Jan Visser ("Javis"), who has decided to stop developing for FS. He is still an active member in the FSX forum here, but he no longer models or paints FS aircraft.
I agree, though, it is sad for the rest of us. I was really looking forward to the eventuality of am FJ Fury... not to mention the hard-wing Sabres that seemed so close to release when he quit.
I knew the team had quit, but no reason why. As for the Fury, there are some Fury paints out there for the SectionF8 F-86 and I made a separate copy of the panel for the Furies and added the carrier ops gauges to that and a virtual tailhook to the aircraft.cfg so I could carrier land and launch it. It does make for quite the nice carrier aircraft with those mods.
I must admit that I never understood why they didn't go one step further and produce the F-86E/F with the '6-3' wing.
It would have been an easy variation to the first model. Everything the same except the size of the wing, the wing fences and the code for the slats.
Oh, the repaint possibilities. Mind you, have you seen the GJSmith skins?

Mind you, I'm not a modeller.....

Everything the same except the size of the wing, the wing fences and the code for the slats.

Requirements for wingsize:
- New model
- New textures
- Modified animations

Requirements for wing fences:
- Models
- Textures

Requirements for slats:
- Model
- Textures
- Custom animations

And of course new flight dynamics.

No "easy variation" here.
The project lead was Jan Visser ("Javis"), who has decided to stop developing for FS. He is still an active member in the FSX forum here, but he no longer models or paints FS aircraft.
I agree, though, it is sad for the rest of us. I was really looking forward to the eventuality of am FJ Fury... not to mention the hard-wing Sabres that seemed so close to release when he quit.

Pssstt.....Hardwing beta can be found by searching the fsx forum, but beware it has slightly different
texture mapping for you painters out there.


Pssstt.....Hardwing beta can be found by searching the fsx forum, but beware it has slightly different
texture mapping for you painters out there.



Hmmm... I couldn't find it. Could you link the post here? I'd be VERY interested in it...
Type XD799 in search box, a thread will pop up, look on page 2 of that thread.



Thank you very much for the link Pete!
This is supposed to be a Beta?
It is absolutely stunning! The detailing, VC, sounds & effects, and especially the pilot animation are absolutely amazing!
I just can't believe that I've been missing out on this for the last five years!
Really exceptional. Moved straight into my top 5!

Thanks, Stuart
Someone over on 'The Dark Side' has uncovered the source code for these.

Spooky...... :blind:

Not spooky at all. Jan simply sent me the model two and a half years ago for FSX conversion, but I got turned off by the slightly chaotic organization of the GMax file. Instead of simply deleting the source files though, I saved them because one might never know...

Thank you motormouse for this gem. Amazing what is out there if you know where to look. Great shame that the Section 8 crew have folded. But lets be really grateful for what they achieved.
Thanks guys and good luck to you Jan, you have given me an amazing amount of good fun flying your creations.
