Security Update Question


Charter Member
Could anyone tell if the windows security updates cause conflicts with Combat Flight Simulator 3.
I have recently reinstalled my P C to the factory defaults with the recovery disk. I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

I have installed the simulator following the instructions on this forum with the windows 7 install fix.

The problem I am having would appear to be with the stock aircraft as there is no sound from the aircraft outside and no sound
from inside the cockpit with pilot chatter. but I don't know if their maybe further problems as I get further into the missions.
All the other sounds seem okay i.e. flak but the explosions of the aircraft there is no sound. I have updated all the graphics drivers and the correct sound driver.

When I go onto you tube to look at the small video clips of the simulators the sound there seems blurred as well. If there is a security update conflict
could I uninstall the updates referring to windows.

Your help on this would be much appreciated.
Here is what I have so far from the tec-heads for WIN 7-8

KB 3035583
KB 2952664
KB 3083710
KB 3068708
Remove or disable these updates..
Security UpdateReply

Hello Owen

Thank you so much for your quick reply and I am very grateful to you.

Hope you are keeping well old friend and keeping busy I knew that I could always rely on you. How is the weather out there
where you are Owen we have had nothing but rain down here in Cornwall so it would be nice to have some of your snow out where you are.

A Very Happy New Year to you old friend good to keep in touch with you and many thanks.
Hi Gary, you are most welcome..
as for the weather, it's cold, and snow but it is OHIO wait 15 minutes and it will change as we say..:jump:
I have been following the flooding there in the UK, and praying for you all..
Have a great one..
Many thanks to all I am now up and running couldn't have done it without all your help, didn't want to go through reinstalling my windows again. and it also works on you tube.
Just one question I didn't mention in my last reply, should I install future security updates or just ignore them.

Hi Gary,
I just updated my Win 7, being sure I didn't allow it to reload the listed ones from above..(it will try if you don't manually load the updates)

And at this time no issues I can see with this batch, and there were many since it had been a month or longer for any updates to my Win 7 machine since it wasn't online during that time..
I am Not the expert , many of our brothers here know much more about this, where i got the list from above was from the tec-heads in the CFS3 family here..

I hope this helps..