Seeking Iris F-15C and Nick Black AI F-16A/B


Typo in the heading: I meant the Nick Black F-15, not F-16.

I recently came across a couple nice repaints in the livery of my local Air Guard base for the "freeware Iris F-15C," but I can't find the plane. I've found links to an Iris F-15E, which is apparently a different model and doesn't interest me, but I can't find their F-15C.

I also stumbled onto a set of skin for the other Massachusetts Air Guard squadron for the Nick Black AI F-15A/B. The ReadMe says to be sure to use the A/B models, not the C/D, which I have. I can't find the Nick Black F-15A/B anywhere. I looked all over the Military AI Works site, which has the C/D in some of their packages, but not the A/B.

I'm not a big fan of modern jets, and I don't have a developed sim that's set in modern times, but I thought I might add a bit of local color to my semi-stock FS2004 that I use mostly for painting, because it loads so fast.

Does anyone know where I can get these two models?

Failing that, does anyone know if textures meant for the Nick Black A/B are the same as those that fit the C/D?
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Thanks Jamie,

The Iris F-15 is downloading as I type this.

No joy on the Nick Black AI model, neither the link you posted, nor my earlier search there, at AvSim and at MIAW. MIAW lists the C-model as a stand-alone and includes it in several packages, but no sign of an A/B model there or anywhere else. But I don't think it matters. I compared texture files and it sure looks like the C/D textures should work on the A/B model, so I guess I'm all set.

Thanks yet again, Jamie!

It was one of the paints on one of those sites (but stumbled upon elsewhere) that got me looking for the Iris F-15 and then the Nick Black AI F-15.

I have little interest in anything more modern than the Century Series, and only marginally in that era, but when I saw the skin for the Iris F-15 in the markings of my local Air Guard unit, then one for the Nick Black AI F-15 in the markings of the other Mass. Air Guard squadron, I was inspired to put them on the flight lines at this state's two Air Guard bases, one of which is right near my home.

My developed FS9 installations are Golden Wings for the pre-WW2 and WW2 years, "FS1954 - A Half-Century of Flight" for the Classic Era of the late 1940s and early 1950s, and "FS1962 - The Jet Age," for the late 1950s and early 1960s. I also have a mostly undeveloped FS2004 that I use mainly for painting planes because it loads so fast. It only has scenery development for my local area, the New England and eastern New York region. I thought to put the modern Mass. Air Guard planes into that sim so the bases would be populated if I should ever feel compelled to boot up FS2004 and fly a modern jet.

It may have been wasted effort, since I might never fly in that sim. I hardly ever fly even in my developed sims; I spend most of my hobby time fiddling with planes and scenery, rather like a model railroader who spends his time working on his layout and hardly ever runs his trains. I've been in the hobby, except for a break of a couple years a few years ago, since FS2002 and I have never yet felt compelled to fly a modern jet. But if I do, I'll have a place ready to fly from here in my local area. For now, though, I've had enough of modern jets and I'm ready to go back to working on my layouts in the ears that interest me more.

Thanks again for the links. They got me what I needed to get the job done.