Server down


Charter Member
Apparently the server is back up but I can't see any photos in the forum, anyone else have that problem?
the server died last night, and I am doing the long task of uploading, note! some thing will not work till later as you see the pictures are coming alive, that because I am uploading all the attachments now, but the forums are the most important part so they came first.
downloads will be later and the other website will come later.
this will be another all night'er
Ickie yer a prince among men and a hero to all the rest of us sentient life forms and anomolies!!!:ernae:
Thanks for all the work, Ickie - if it gets a bit much sometimes, just remember the rest of us would be lost without you!
Yes Thanks, that was quick work. I came home at 0230 hrs this morning (UK time) after a late shift and went on the SOH forum until 0330hrs all was fine.
Went on again at 1300hrs, site down. Went out with a friend and after dinner visited here at 2230hrs and site back up! Fantastic work!!