Setting a Rotation Animation w/Tick 18


Charter Member
Hi All,

I'm a stone cold green horn in Gmax. My only experience is in converting newer models to CFS2. Mcx - 3Ds - Gmax - export as Fs9 *.mdl or scenery. Done a bit of mapping but that's about it.

I'm hoping to learn how to animate a radar on a ship now converted to CFS2. This sim will recognize "Tick 18" for rotating animations.
I've searched high and low for anything on the web but most seems to have been long gone due to time.

Would anyone by able to point me in the direction of a website or tutorial to accomplish this?

Here are some pictures to illustrate my, hopefully, modest goal. :kilroy:



Thanks in Advance,
If I remembering right its just and mesh name. Ex: Tick18_RADAR_LOD_100 and may need to be animated like landing gear.
If I remembering right its just and mesh name. Ex: Tick18_RADAR_LOD_100 and may need to be animated like landing gear.

Thanks Allen, that will help. I'm going through Milton's videos on landing gear animation now. It looks like this radar needs an attached object to rotate from.
Similar to the axle and wheel relationship.

I'll keep at it. Learning about all of the toolbar functions and modifiers.

Got 'er done. In the process I chewed a hole in the back of my lip but it'll heal. :playful:

Thanks for your reply Allen. Another mistake by me was having spaces in the object name, Tick*18_RADAR_LOD_100
This video helped a lot. It's where I was having problems.

One down, one to go.


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